This page provides a basic introduction to Unix commands to HPC users with no previous knowledge.
Running the nextflow nf-core/rnaseq pipeline
index.csv → a file that provides a list of sample IDs and their associated FASTQ files (read 1 and read 2)
launch.pbs → a script to submit the job to the HPC cluster
Example index.csv file for nf-core/rnaseq version 3.3:
Code Block |
group,fastq_1,fastq_2,strandedness control_r1,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039508_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039508_2.fastq.gz,unstranded dex_r1,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039509_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039509_2.fastq.gz,unstranded control_r2,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039512_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039512_2.fastq.gz,unstranded dex_r2,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039513_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039513_2.fastq.gz,unstranded control_r3,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039516_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039516_2.fastq.gz,unstranded dex_r3,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039517_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039517_2.fastq.gz,unstranded control_r4,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039520_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039520_2.fastq.gz,unstranded dex_r4,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039521_1.fastq.gz,/work/kenna_team/data/raw_data/SRR1039521_2.fastq.gz,unstranded |
Example launch.pbs script:
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N nfrnaseq #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #Use the current directory to run the workflow cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR module load java NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g' #run the nextflow RNA-seq pipeline: nextflow run nf-core/rnaseq -profile singularity -r 3.3 --aligner star_salmon --input index.csv --genome GRCh38 -resume |
Create a new working folder:
Code Block |
mkdir session2 cd session2 mkdir run1_star_salmon cd run1_star_salmon cd .. |
Copy index.csv and launch.pbs files to the newly created folder
Access the HPC files from your laptop
Mac laptop (note: need to be connected via VPN)
Open the ‘Finder' window
Click on the search file tab and hit the “Command + K” keys simultaneously
This will open a new window:
Type the above to connect to the shared ‘work' space. To access your personal space replace ‘work’ with 'home’.