Anacapa is a toolkit designed to construct reference databases and assign taxonomy, from eDNA sequences.
Run the obiconvert
command from the anacapa Singularity image.
Important: You need to change every instance of /home/your_home_directory
in the below command to your actual home directory (this is because obiconvert requires absolute paths). To find your home directory path, type cd ~
and then pwd
. Use the path that this displays to replace the /home/your_home_directory
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N ObiRun
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=64gb
#PBS -l walltime=96:00:00
singularity exec /home/your_home_directory/anacapa/anacapa-1.5.0.img \
obiconvert \
-t /home/your_home_directory/anacapa/crux_db/TAXO \
--embl \
--ecopcrdb-output=/home/your_home_directory/anacapa/crux_db/Obitools_databases/OB_dat_EMBL_std/OB_dat_EMBL_std \
--skip-on-error \
/home/your_home_directory/anacapa/crux_db/EMBL/*.dat |
The -d
should point to where your CRUX databases are. Check in this directory. You should see subdirectories containing NCBI taxonomy, obiconvert results, NCBI accession2taxonomy databases (see ‘Step 3: Create reference libraries using CRUX’ to see where you created these databases).
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=64gb
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
singularity exec docker:// /bin/bash \
/home/your_home_directory/anacapa/crux_db/ \
-s 40 -m 240 \
-o /home/your_home_directory/anacapa/16Smam \
-d /home/your_home_directory/anacapa/crux_db/ -l |
Step 5: Running anacapa
Now that the CRUX databases have been constructed, we can run anacapa itself on these databases.