Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  1. Use QUTs rVDI virtual desktop machines

  2. Install R and RStudio on your own PC

  3. Use the provided PCs in the QUT computer labs

Option1: Use QUTs rVDI virtual desktop machines

This is the preferred method, as R and RStudio is already installed, as are all the required R packages needed for analysis. Installing all of these can take over 30 minutes on your own PC, so using an rVDI machine saves time.


Log on with your QUT username and password

Option2: Install R and RStudio on your own PC

Go to the following page and follow instructions provided to install first R and then Rstudio.


Option3: Use the provided PCs in the QUT computer labs

The PCs in the computer labs already have R and RStudio installed. If using this option, you will need to install the required R packages (unlike rVDI). The code for installing these packages is in the analysis section below.


To access this count table:

Go to the/sandpit/demo/run3_full_pipeline/ folder that contains the results from running the nfcore/rnaseq pipeline. The output folders from task 3 look like this:


Now let’s find the full path to the ‘salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv’ file:

  • Windows:

  • Mac:

    • cd /folder/that/contains/feature_counts/

    • pwd

  • Rstudio:

    • Open Rstudio, go to the top bar a click on “Session” → “Select working directory: → “Choose directory

    • The path to the directory will be printed in Rstudio console, copy and paste in line 1 of the script ‘RNAseq_DESeq2_analysis.R’ (see below)
