Table of Contents |
To access this count table:
Go to the/sandpit/demo/run3_full_pipeline/ folder that contains the results from running the nfcore/rnaseq pipeline. The output folders from task 3 look like this:
Now let’s find the full path to the ‘salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv’ file:
First we need to prepare the data for plotting. Copy, paste and run the following code. you will need to input which treatment groups you wish to plot (plotgroups <-
) from the set of available treatment groups.
Info |
Paul, the column names of counts is the sample_ID not group, so the groupcounts below doesn’t work (ends up with 0 columns with 51912 rows) |
Code Block |
#### 5. Outliers and batch effects ####
# This section normalises and transforms the count data so that it can be plotted on a PCA plot and a heatmap
# Choose the groups you want to plot in a PCA/Heatmap. You can select any 2 or more of the groups (or all of the groups) you have in your 'groups' column of your metadata table
# To see what groups are present, run the following:
# Now add which groups you want to plot (i.e. replace the groupnames below, and add more, separated by a comma and in "quotes", as needed). NOTE: R is case-sensitive, so these group names must be named EXACTLY the same as in the metadata table.
plotgroups <- c("Differentiated_cells", "Basal_cells")
# Pull out only the counts from the above groups
groupcounts <- counts[meta$group %in% plotgroups]
# Normalise counts by library size, using DeSeq2's estimateSizeFactors() function. Note that DeSeq2 does this internally during DEG calling. The normalisation below is done separately for PCA and density plotting.
# Set up the initial DeSeq2 experimental parameters.
condition <- factor(1:length(groupcounts))
# Set up the column data. A data frame of sample ID's and conditions
coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(groupcounts), condition)
# Set up the DeSeq2 data set structure
f <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = groupcounts, colData = coldata, design= ~ condition)
# Estimate the size factors. See DeSeq2 manual for details
f <- estimateSizeFactors(f)
# Size factors can be viewed by: sizeFactors(f)
# Multiply each row (sample) by the corresponding size factor
subcount_norm <- as.matrix(groupcounts) %*% diag(sizeFactors(f))
# Re-add column names
colnames(subcount_norm) <- colnames(groupcounts)
## Remove low coverage transcripts (mean count < 10) ##
# Find the mean of each row (and output as a data frame object)
means <-
# Then join the means data with the counts
means <- cbind(means, subcount_norm)
# Then subset out only genes with mean > 10
data <- subset(means, means[ , 1] > 10)
# Remove the means column
data <- data[,-1]
# Transform data
data_log <- vst(round(as.matrix(data)))
# Transformation can create some infinite values. Can't generate PCA data on these. Can see how many by: sum(sapply(data_log, is.infinite))
# To remove infinite rows, use 'is.finte' or '!is.infinite'
data_log <- data_log[is.finite(rowSums(data_log)),]
colnames(data_log) <- colnames(groupcounts)
### Set up the PCA plot base data ###
# We're using the FactoMineR package to generate PCA plots (
# Need to transpose the data first
data_log_t <- t(data_log)
# Add the group data
data_log_t_vars <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], data_log_t)
# Generate the PCA data using FactoMineR package
res.pca <- PCA(data_log_t_vars, quali.sup = 1, graph=FALSE)
## Set up the dendogram/heatmaps base data ##
# Calculate the distance matrix:
distance_matrix <- as.matrix(dist(t(data_log)))
Warning |
5a. PCA plot
Now you can run the following code in your R script to generate the PCA plot.