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To access this count table:

Go to the W:\training\rnaseq\runs\run3_RNAseq\results folder that contains the results from running the nfcore/rnaseq pipeline. The output folders from task 3 look like this:


The count table can be found in the star_salmon folder. A list of files and folders in the star_salmon folder will look like this:


a. First create a new folder in H:\workshop\RNAseq . Call it something suitable, such as ‘DE_analysis_workshop’


Code Block
gene_id	gene_name	SRR20622172	SRR20622173	SRR20622174	SRR20622175	SRR20622176	SRR20622177	SRR20622178	SRR20622179	SRR20622180
ENSMUSG00000000001	Gnai3	7086	4470	2457.002	2389	6398	2744	2681	3961	4399
ENSMUSG00000000003	Pbsn	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
ENSMUSG00000000028	Cdc45	1232.999	827	42	57	1036	55	78	88	89
ENSMUSG00000000031	H19	200	139	2	0	143.622	1	17.082	24	16.077
ENSMUSG00000000037	Scml2	70	57.001	8	8	66.999	16	23	27.999	29
ENSMUSG00000000049	Apoh	0	0	1	0	2	2	1	3	0
ENSMUSG00000000056	Narf	1933	1480	519	497	1730	539	365	458	536
ENSMUSG00000000058	Cav2	6008	3417	1347.001	1344	5482	1367	2669.001	4358	4365.832
ENSMUSG00000000078	Klf6	3809	2732	4413.001	3483.978	3559	4491	3209	3980	4626

d. In the same W:\training\rnaseq\runs\run3_RNAseq\results\star_salmon directory there will be a file called metadata.xlsx . Copy this file to your ‘data’ folder as well. This file will normally need to be manually created by you to match your sample IDs and treatment groups, but we created this file already for you to use. This samples table needs 3 columns called ‘sample_name’, containing the sample names seen in the count table (column names), ‘sample_ID’, which is the (less messy) names you want to call the samples in this analysis workflow, and ‘group’, which contains the treatment groups each sample belongs to. The contents of this file look like this:


Code Block
#### 4. Import your count data ####

# Make sure you have: a) your count table (salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv file, if you used Nextflow nfcore/rnaseq to analyse your data). Copy this to a subdirectory called 'data'. b) your metadata file. This should be either an Excel file called 'metadata.xlsx' or a tab-separated text file called 'metadata.txt'. It needs 3 columns called 'sample_name', 'sample_ID' and 'group'. The sample names should be EXACTLY the same as the names in the count table. These names are often uninformative and long, so the 'sample_ID' is the sample labels you want to put on your plots. E.g. if you have a 'high fat' group, you might want to rename the samples HF1, HF2, HF3, etc)

# Set working directory. 
# Change this to your working directory (In the RStudio menu: Session -> Set working directory -> Choose working directory)
setwd("C:/Users/whatmorp/OneDrive - Queensland University of Technology/Desktop/Projects/RNA-Seq downstream analysisH:\workshop\RNAseq")

# Import your count data. make sure you've created a 'data' subdirectory and put the count table file there.
metacountdata <- read.table("./data/salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

# Import metadata. Again, need a metadata.xlsx file in the data subdirectory.
meta <- read_excel("./data/metadata.xlsx")

# Remove 1st columns of metadata (gene_name)
counts <- metacountdata[ ,2:ncol(metacountdata)]

# Rename sample names to new sample IDs
counts <- counts[as.character(meta$sample_name)]
colnames(counts) <- meta$sample_ID

# Counts need to be rounded to integers
counts <- ceiling(counts)
