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To check on the status of your jobs, use the qstat command. Another tool written by QUT HPC staff is qjobs.


To launch an Interactive job, we need to supply the necessary options to qsub. Lets Let's launch a small Interactive job, with 1 CPU and 4gb 1gb of memory for 1 hour

Code Block
qsub -I -S /bin/bash -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb1gb -l walltime=1:00:00

You will see:


Notice how the options after #PBS are the same as the qsub command line?

This script is very basic, it will run the command hostname, which outputs the name of the computer this job is running on, then echo that to the screen.


Since all the options are contained in the job script, the qsub line is short:

Code Block
qsub training.pbs

And you will see a job number printed on the screen. Use qjobs to check on the status of the job.


To quickly check on you jobs that are queued and running, use the qjobs command

Code Block

You will get a summary of each queued job and the running ones. The finished ones are not displayed.
