Experiment Accession | Experiment Title | Organism Name | Instrument | Submitter | Study Accession | Study Title | Sample Accession | Sample Title | Total Size, Mb | Total RUNs | Total Spots | Total Bases | Library Name | Library Strategy | Library Source | Library Selection |
SRX19406880 | GM12878 cDNA sequencing from nanopore WSG consortium - basecalled sequences (Guppy 6.1.3 high accuracy) | Homo sapiens | MinION | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | SRP421403 | Curated publicly available nanopore datasets | SRS16801714 | 16129.79 | 1 | 17584007 | 19592288842 | GM12878_cDNA_fastq_guppy_6.1.3_hac | RNA-Seq | TRANSCRIPTOMIC | cDNA | |
SRX19406878 | NA12878 DNA sequencing from nanopore WSG consortium - basecalled sequences (Guppy 6.1.3 super accuracy) | Homo sapiens | MinION | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | SRP421403 | Curated publicly available nanopore datasets | SRS16801715 | 78526.8 | 1 | 11173458 | 97545895593 | NA12878_DNA_fastq_guppy_6.1.3_sup | WGS | GENOMIC | RANDOM | |
SRX19406876 | GM12878 directRNA sequencing from nanopore WSG consortium - basecalled sequences (Guppy 6.1.3 high accuracy) | Homo sapiens | MinION | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | SRP421403 | Curated publicly available nanopore datasets | SRS16801714 | 8763.24 | 1 | 9729457 | 9869880442 | GM12878_directRNA_fastq_guppy_6.1.3_hac | RNA-Seq | TRANSCRIPTOMIC | RANDOM |
Content Comparison