Table of Contents | ||
From RNA-Seq workshop
2. Install required R packages
Copy and paste the following code into the R script you just created, then run the code (highlight all the code in your R script, then press the run button). This will install all the required packages and dependencies and may take 30 minutes or more to complete. It may prompt you occasionally to update packages - select 'a' for all if/when this occurs.
NOTE: you only need to run this section once on any laptop/PC, and you don’t need to run it if you’re using an rVDI machine.
Code Block |
#### Differential expression analysis #### # When you see '## USER INPUT', this means you have to modify the code for your computer or dataset. All other code can be run as-is (i.e. you don't need to understand the code, just run it) #### 2. Installing required packages #### # **NOTE: this section only needs to be run once (or occasionally to update the packages) # Install devtools install.packages("devtools", repos = "") # Install R packages. This only needs to be run once. # Variannt calling packages bioconductor_packages <- c("VariantAnnotation", "biomaRt", "clusterProfiler", "") cran_packages <- c("devtools", "tidyverse", "DT", "gt", "openxlsx", "dplyr", "scales", "ggplot2", "plotly", "tidyr", "ggsci", "viridis", "vcfR", "data.table") # Matagenomics packages # CRAN: # Bioconductor: bioconductor_packages <- c("DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") cran_packages <- c("ggrepel", "ggplot2", "plyr", "reshape2", "readxl", "FactoMineR", "factoextra", "pheatmap") # Compares installed packages to above packages and returns a vector of missing packages new_packages <- bioconductor_packages[!(bioconductor_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] new_cran_packages <- cran_packages[!(cran_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] # Install missing bioconductor packages if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install(new_packages) # Install missing cran packages if (length(new_cran_packages)) install.packages(new_cran_packages, repos = "") # Update all installed packages to the latest version update.packages(bioconductor_packages, ask = FALSE) update.packages(cran_packages, ask = FALSE, repos = "") |
3. Load required R packages
This section loads the packages you’ve installed in the previous section. Unlike installing packages, this needs to be run every time and should only take a few seconds to run.
Code Block |
#### 3. Loading required packages #### # This section needs to be run every time # Load packages bioconductor_packages <- c("DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") cran_packages <- c("ggrepel", "ggplot2", "plyr", "reshape2", "readxl", "FactoMineR", "factoextra", "pheatmap") lapply(cran_packages, require, character.only = TRUE) lapply(bioconductor_packages, require, character.only = TRUE) |
4. Import your data files into R
In this section, we will import your count table and samples table into R.
You’ll need to change the ‘setwd
' line to your working directory. Click ‘Session’ → ‘Set working directory’ → ‘Choose working directory’ and then choose the analysis workshop directory you created previously that contains your R script file and the 'Data’ directory.
Code Block |
#### 4. Import your count data ####
# Make sure you have: a) your count table (salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv file, if you used Nextflow nfcore/rnaseq to analyse your data). Copy this to a subdirectory called 'data'. b) your metadata file. This should be either an Excel file called 'metadata.xlsx' or a tab-separated text file called 'metadata.txt'. It needs 3 columns called 'sample_name', 'sample_ID' and 'group'. The sample names should be EXACTLY the same as the names in the count table. These names are often uninformative and long, so the 'sample_ID' is the sample labels you want to put on your plots. E.g. if you have a 'high fat' group, you might want to rename the samples HF1, HF2, HF3, etc)
# Set working directory.
# Change this to your working directory (In the RStudio menu: Session -> Set working directory -> Choose working directory)
# Import your count data. make sure you've created a 'data' subdirectory and put the count table file there.
metacountdata <- read.table("./data/salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# Import metadata. Again, need a metadata.xlsx file in the data subdirectory.
meta <- read_excel("./data/metadata.xlsx")
# Remove 1st columns of metadata (gene_name)
counts <- metacountdata[ ,2:ncol(metacountdata)]
# Rename sample names to new sample IDs
counts <- counts[as.character(meta$sample_name)]
colnames(counts) <- meta$sample_ID
# Counts need to be rounded to integers
counts <- ceiling(counts) |
From Jupyter Notebooks
Table of DADA2 filtration
The following table shows how many reads were kept and removed. Percentage columns are the filtered, merged, and non-chimeric reads compared to the number of original, unfiltered reads. Thus the number of non-chimeric reads and percentage is the number and % of reads remaining after all filtration steps.