Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Acknowledgements: This training material was originally developed by Paul Whatmore as part of the QUT eResearch infrastructure. It is free to distribute but we just require that you acknowledge eResearch for any outputs (e.g. training, presentation slides, publications) that might result from using this training material.


Differential expression and Functional Annotation analysis are over the following pages:

Table of Contents

Public small RNA-seq data




ENA link







RNA-seq of micro RNAs (miRNAs) in Human prefrontal cortex to identify differentially expressed miRNAs between Huntington's Disease and control brain samples

1. Connect to an rVDI virtual desktop machine

To access and run an rVDI virtual desktop:

Go to

Click on ‘VMware Horizon HTML Access

Log on with your QUT username and password

*NOTE: you need to be connected to the QUT network first, either being on campus or connecting remotely via VPN.

2. Open PuTTY terminal

  • Click on the PuTTY icon

  • Double-click on “Lyra”

  • Fill your password and connect to the HPC

Precomputed results from session 6:

We ran the small RNA seq samples and the results can be found at:

Code Block

The results of the miRNA profiling can be found in the folder called “mirna_quant/edger_qc”:

Code Block
├── results
│   ├── bowtie_index
│   ├── fastp
│   ├── fastqc
│   ├── mirna_quant
│   ├── mirtrace
|   ├── multiqc
|   └── pipeline_info

inside the “mirna_quant/edger_qc” folder find the “mature_counts.csv” file:

Code Block
mature_counts.csv       <-- we will use this file for the statistical analysis in the next section

Note: the “mature_counts.csv” needs to be transposed prior to running the statistical analysis. This can be done either user the R script or using a script called “”.

Let’s initially create a “DESeq2” folder and copy the files needed for the statistical analysis:

Code Block
mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2
cp /work/training/2024/smallRNAseq/scripts/* $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/scripts/
cp /work/training/2024/smallRNAseq/data/human/* $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/

cp $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/scripts/ $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2
cp $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/human/metadata_microRNA.txt $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2
cp /work/training/smallRNAseq/runs/run2_human/results/mirna_quant/edger_qc/mature_counts.csv $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2
cd $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2

To transpose the initial “mature_counts.csv” file do the following:

Code Block
python --input mature_counts.csv --out mature_counts.txt

Differential expression analysis using RStudio

Differential expression analysis for smRNA-Seq is similar to regular RNA-Seq. Since you have already done the step-wise analysis in session 5, in this session we will streamline the analysis by running a single R script.

As with the previous RNA-Seq, we will also be running this smRNA-Seq differential expression analysis in RStudio on an rVDI virtual machine. The reason is the same as before - to save time as the required R packages are pre-installed on these virtual machines. And, as before, you can also copy and paste this script to RStudio on your local computer and adapt it to your own dataset.

3. Run analysis script in RStudio

a. Open RStudio

b. Create a new R script ('File'->'New File'-> ‘R script’)

c. Hit the save button and save this file in the working directory you created above (H:\workshop\small_RNAseq\DESeq2). Name the R script ‘DESeq2.R’.

d. Copy and paste the entire script from the code window below into your R script.

e. Run the entire script ('Code'-> ‘Run region’ → ‘Run all’)

Code Block

#### 4. Loading required packages ####

# This section needs to be run every time
# Load packages
bioconductor_packages <- c("DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano")
cran_packages <- c("ggrepel", "ggplot2", "plyr", "reshape2", "FactoMineR", "factoextra", "pheatmap")
lapply(cran_packages, require, character.only = TRUE)
lapply(bioconductor_packages, require, character.only = TRUE)

#### 5. Import your count data ####

# Set working directory. 
# Change this to your working directory
# Set your home working directory
# NOTE: 
# Working directory - 

# Import your count data. make sure you've created a 'data' subdirectory and put the count table file there.
metacounts <- read.csv("H:/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2/mature_counts.csv", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# Count table needs to be transposed and converted to a data frame
metacounts <-

# Import metadata. Again, need a metadata_microRNA.txt file in the data subdirectory.
meta <- read.table("H:/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2/metadata_microRNA.txt", header = TRUE)

# Rename sample names to new sample IDs
counts <- metacounts[as.character(meta$sample_name)]
colnames(counts) <- meta$sample_ID

#### 6. Outliers and batch effects ####

# This section normalises and transforms the count data so that it can be plotted on a PCA plot and a heatmap

# Choose the groups you want to plot in a PCA/Heatmap. You can select any 2 or more of the groups (or all of the groups) you have in your 'groups' column of your metadata table
# To see what groups are present, run the following:
# Now add which groups you want to plot (i.e. replace the groupnames below, and add more, separated by a comma and in "quotes", as needed). NOTE: R is case-sensitive, so these group names must be named EXACTLY the same as in the metadata table.
plotgroups <- c("normal", "Huntingtons_disease")

# Pull out only the counts from the above groups
groupcounts <- counts[meta$group %in% plotgroups]

# Normalise counts by library size, using DeSeq2's estimateSizeFactors() function. Note that DeSeq2 does this internally during DEG calling. The normalisation below is done separately for PCA and density plotting.
# Set up the initial DeSeq2 experimental parameters.
condition <- factor(1:length(groupcounts))
# Set up the column data. A data frame of sample ID's and conditions
coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(groupcounts), condition)
# Set up the DeSeq2 data set structure
f <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = groupcounts, colData = coldata, design= ~ condition)
# Estimate the size factors. See DeSeq2 manual for details
f <- estimateSizeFactors(f)
# Size factors can be viewed by: sizeFactors(f)

# Multiply each row (sample) by the corresponding size factor
subcount_norm <- as.matrix(groupcounts) %*% diag(sizeFactors(f))
# Re-add column names
colnames(subcount_norm) <- colnames(groupcounts)

## Remove low coverage transcripts (mean count < 10) ##

# Find the mean of each row (and output as a data frame object)
means <-
# Then join the means data with the counts
means <- cbind(means, subcount_norm)
# Then subset out only genes with mean > 10
data <- subset(means, means[ , 1] > 10)
# Remove the means column
data <- data[,-1]

# Transform data
data_log <- vst(round(as.matrix(data)), nsub = nrow(data)-20)
# Transformation can create some infinite values. Can't generate PCA data on these. Can see how many by: sum(sapply(data_log, is.infinite))
# To remove infinite rows, use 'is.finte' or '!is.infinite'
data_log <- data_log[is.finite(rowSums(data_log)),]
colnames(data_log) <- colnames(groupcounts)

### Set up the PCA plot base data ###

# We're using the FactoMineR package to generate PCA plots (

# Need to transpose the data first
data_log_t <- t(data_log)
# Add the group data
data_log_t_vars <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], data_log_t)
# Generate the PCA data using FactoMineR package
res.pca <- PCA(data_log_t_vars, quali.sup = 1, graph=FALSE)

## Set up the dendogram/heatmaps base data ##

# Calculate the distance matrix:
distance_matrix <- as.matrix(dist(t(data_log)))

#### 6a. PCA plot ####

# Generate the PCA plot. Groups are shaded with ellipses at 95% confidence level. NOTE: at least 4 replicates need to be in a group for an ellipses to be drawn.
# NOTE: change the group point colours by changing 'palette = ' below. Use the 'RColourBrewer' colour names ( For example, if you are plotting 3 groups and choose palette = "Set1", this will use the first 3 colours from the Set1 colour palette.
p <- fviz_pca_ind(res.pca,
                  geom.ind = c("point", "text"), # show points only (but not "text")
                  col.ind = meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], # color by groups
                  pointsize = 5, label = "all", title = "", legend.title = "Treatment groups", palette = "Dark2",
                  addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.type = "t", ellipse.level = 0.95) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12), legend.title = element_text(size = 14), axis.title=element_text(size=16), axis.text=element_text(size=14))


# Output as publication quality (300dpi) tiff and pdf.
# This will name your output files with the treatment groups you selected.

# Create a 'results_outliers_included' subdirectory where all results_outliers_included will be output
dir.create("results_outliers_included", showWarnings = FALSE)
# Create a (300dpi) tiff
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_included/PCA_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"), dpi = 300, compression = "lzw", device = "tiff", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)
# Create a pdf
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_included/PCA_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".pdf"), device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)

#### 6b. Samples heatmap and dendrogram ####

# This section plots a heatmap and dendrogram of pairwise relationships between samples. In this way you can see if samples cluster by treatment group.

# See here:

# Define annotation column
annot_columns <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups])
# Make the row names the sample IDs
row.names(annot_columns) <- meta$sample_ID[meta$group %in% plotgroups]
colnames(annot_columns) <- "Treatment groups"
# Need to factorise it
annot_columns[[1]] <- factor(annot_columns[[1]])

# Generate dendrogram and heatmap
pheatmap(distance_matrix, color=colorRampPalette(c("white", "#9999FF", "#990000"))(50), cluster_rows = TRUE, show_rownames = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 70, fontsize_col = 12, annotation_names_col = F, annotation_col = annot_columns, filename = paste0("./results_outliers_included/Pairwise_sample_heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"))

# Notes about heatmap colours.
# You can change the colours used in the heatmap itself by changing the colour names (color=colorRampPalette....)
# If you want to change the annotation colours, see here:

#### 7. Differential expression analysis ####

# In this section we use the Deseq2 package to identify differentially expressed genes.

# Choose the treatment groups you want to compare. 
# To see what groups are present, run the following:
# Enter which groups you want to compare (two groups only). BASELINE OR CONTROL GROUP SHOULD BE LISTED FIRST.
degroups <- c("normal", "Huntingtons_disease")

# From the count table, pull out only the counts from the above groups
expdata <- as.matrix(counts[,meta$group %in% degroups])

# Set up the experimental condition
# 'factor' sets up the reference level, i.e. which is the baseline group (otherwise the default baseline level is in alphabetic order)
condition <- factor(meta$group[meta$group %in% degroups], levels = degroups)
# Type 'condition' in the console to see is the levels are set correctly

# Set up column data (treatment groups and sample ID)
coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(expdata), condition)

# Create the DESeq2 dataset (dds)
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=expdata, colData=coldata, design=~condition)
dds$condition <- factor(dds$condition, levels = degroups)

# Run DESeq2 to identify differentially expressed genes
deseq <- DESeq(dds)

# Extract a results table from the DESeq analysis
res <- results(deseq)

# Reorder results by adjusted p vales, so that the most signififcantly DE genes are at the top
res <- res[order(res$padj), ]

# You can do a summary of the results to see how many significantly (alpha=0.05, adjust to 0.01 if needed) upregulated and downregulated DE genes were found
summary(res, alpha=0.05)

# Convert from DESeq object to a data frame.
res <- data.frame(res)

# Look at the top 6 DE genes

# Add normalised counts to the output table. This is so you can later plot expression trends for individual genes in R, Excel, etc.
# Need to normalise the counts first, using the size factors calculated by DESeq2 (in the 'deseq' object)
expdata_norm <- as.matrix(expdata) %*% diag(deseq$sizeFactor)
colnames(expdata_norm) <- colnames(expdata)
annot_counts <- merge(x = res, y = expdata_norm, by = 0, all = TRUE)

# Pull out just significant genes (change from 0.05 to 0.01 if needed)
DE_genes <- subset(annot_counts, padj < 0.05, select=colnames(annot_counts))

# Export as a csv table
write.csv(DE_genes, file=paste0("./results_outliers_included/DE_genes_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

#### 7b. Volcano plot ####

p <- EnhancedVolcano(res, lab = row.names(res), selectLab = row.names(res)[1:20], drawConnectors = TRUE, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue')

p <- EnhancedVolcano(res, lab = rownames(res), pointSize = 3, drawConnectors = TRUE, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue')


# NOTE: the above plot shows labels for the top significantly DE (i.e. by lowest adjusted p value) genes.

# Output as publication quality (300dpi) tiff and pdf.
# Create a (300dpi) tiff
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_included/volcano_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"), dpi = 300, compression = "lzw", device = "tiff", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)
# Create a pdf
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_included/volcano_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".pdf"), device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)

#### 7c. DE genes heatmaps and dendrograms ####

# sort by p-value
DE_genes <- DE_genes[order(DE_genes$padj), ]
row.names(DE_genes) <- DE_genes$Row.names

# Pull out normalised counts only
siggc <- DE_genes[colnames(DE_genes) %in% colnames(expdata)]

# Scale and center each row. This is important to visualise relative differences between groups and not have row-wise colouration dominated by high or low gene expression.
xts <- scale(t(siggc))
xtst <- t(xts)

# Define annotation column
annot_columns <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% degroups])
# Make the row names the sample IDs
row.names(annot_columns) <- meta$sample_ID[meta$group %in% degroups]
colnames(annot_columns) <- "Treatment groups"
# Need to factorise it
annot_columns[[1]] <- factor(annot_columns[[1]])

# Generate dendrogram and heatmap for ALL DE genes
pheatmap(xtst, color=colorRampPalette(c("#D55E00", "white", "#0072B2"))(100), annotation_col=annot_columns, annotation_names_col = F, fontsize_col = 12, fontsize_row = 7, labels_row = row.names(siggc), show_rownames = T, filename = paste0("./results_outliers_included/All_DEG_Heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"))


# This section repeats the above, but removes outliers first

meta <- meta[- grep(c("WT4"), meta$sample_ID),]
counts <- counts[- grep(c("WT4"), colnames(counts))]

#### 8. Outliers and batch effects ####

# This section normalises and transforms the count data so that it can be plotted on a PCA plot and a heatmap

# Choose the groups you want to plot in a PCA/Heatmap. You can select any 2 or more of the groups (or all of the groups) you have in your 'groups' column of your metadata table
# To see what groups are present, run the following:
# Now add which groups you want to plot (i.e. replace the groupnames below, and add more, separated by a comma and in "quotes", as needed). NOTE: R is case-sensitive, so these group names must be named EXACTLY the same as in the metadata table.
plotgroups <- c("normal", "Huntingtons_disease")

# Pull out only the counts from the above groups
groupcounts <- counts[meta$group %in% plotgroups]

# Normalise counts by library size, using DeSeq2's estimateSizeFactors() function. Note that DeSeq2 does this internally during DEG calling. The normalisation below is done separately for PCA and density plotting.
# Set up the initial DeSeq2 experimental parameters.
condition <- factor(1:length(groupcounts))
# Set up the column data. A data frame of sample ID's and conditions
coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(groupcounts), condition)
# Set up the DeSeq2 data set structure
f <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = groupcounts, colData = coldata, design= ~ condition)
# Estimate the size factors. See DeSeq2 manual for details
f <- estimateSizeFactors(f)
# Size factors can be viewed by: sizeFactors(f)

# Multiply each row (sample) by the corresponding size factor
subcount_norm <- as.matrix(groupcounts) %*% diag(sizeFactors(f))
# Re-add column names
colnames(subcount_norm) <- colnames(groupcounts)

## Remove low coverage transcripts (mean count < 10) ##

# Find the mean of each row (and output as a data frame object)
means <-
# Then join the means data with the counts
means <- cbind(means, subcount_norm)
# Then subset out only genes with mean > 10
data <- subset(means, means[ , 1] > 10)
# Remove the means column
data <- data[,-1]

# Transform data
data_log <- vst(round(as.matrix(data)), nsub = nrow(data)-20)
# Transformation can create some infinite values. Can't generate PCA data on these. Can see how many by: sum(sapply(data_log, is.infinite))
# To remove infinite rows, use 'is.finte' or '!is.infinite'
data_log <- data_log[is.finite(rowSums(data_log)),]
colnames(data_log) <- colnames(groupcounts)

### Set up the PCA plot base data ###

# We're using the FactoMineR package to generate PCA plots (

# Need to transpose the data first
data_log_t <- t(data_log)
# Add the group data
data_log_t_vars <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], data_log_t)
# Generate the PCA data using FactoMineR package
res.pca <- PCA(data_log_t_vars, quali.sup = 1, graph=FALSE)

## Set up the dendogram/heatmaps base data ##

# Calculate the distance matrix:
distance_matrix <- as.matrix(dist(t(data_log)))

#### 8a. PCA plot ####

# Generate the PCA plot. Groups are shaded with ellipses at 95% confidence level. NOTE: at least 4 replicates need to be in a group for an ellipses to be drawn.
# NOTE: change the group point colours by changing 'palette = ' below. Use the 'RColourBrewer' colour names ( For example, if you are plotting 3 groups and choose palette = "Set1", this will use the first 3 colours from the Set1 colour palette.
p <- fviz_pca_ind(res.pca,
                  geom.ind = c("point", "text"), # show points only (but not "text")
                  col.ind = meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], # color by groups
                  pointsize = 5, label = "all", title = "", legend.title = "Treatment groups", palette = "Dark2",
                  addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.type = "t", ellipse.level = 0.95) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12), legend.title = element_text(size = 14), axis.title=element_text(size=16), axis.text=element_text(size=14))


# Output as publication quality (300dpi) tiff and pdf.
# This will name your output files with the treatment groups you selected.

# Create a 'results_outliers_removed' subdirectory where all results_outliers_removed will be output
dir.create("results_outliers_removed", showWarnings = FALSE)
# Create a (300dpi) tiff
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_removed/PCA_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"), dpi = 300, compression = "lzw", device = "tiff", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)
# Create a pdf
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_removed/PCA_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".pdf"), device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)

#### 8b. Samples heatmap and dendrogram ####

# This section plots a heatmap and dendrogram of pairwise relationships between samples. In this way you can see if samples cluster by treatment group.

# See here:

# Define annotation column
annot_columns <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups])
# Make the row names the sample IDs
row.names(annot_columns) <- meta$sample_ID[meta$group %in% plotgroups]
colnames(annot_columns) <- "Treatment groups"
# Need to factorise it
annot_columns[[1]] <- factor(annot_columns[[1]])

# Generate dendrogram and heatmap
pheatmap(distance_matrix, color=colorRampPalette(c("white", "#9999FF", "#990000"))(50), cluster_rows = TRUE, show_rownames = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 70, fontsize_col = 12, annotation_names_col = F, annotation_col = annot_columns, filename = paste0("./results_outliers_removed/Pairwise_sample_heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"))

# Notes about heatmap colours.
# You can change the colours used in the heatmap itself by changing the colour names (color=colorRampPalette....)
# If you want to change the annotation colours, see here:

#### 9. Differential expression analysis ####

# In this section we use the Deseq2 package to identify differentially expressed genes.

# Choose the treatment groups you want to compare. 
# To see what groups are present, run the following:
# Enter which groups you want to compare (two groups only). BASELINE OR CONTROL GROUP SHOULD BE LISTED FIRST.
degroups <- c("normal", "Huntingtons_disease")

# From the count table, pull out only the counts from the above groups
expdata <- as.matrix(counts[,meta$group %in% degroups])

# Set up the experimental condition
# 'factor' sets up the reference level, i.e. which is the baseline group (otherwise the default baseline level is in alphabetic order)
condition <- factor(meta$group[meta$group %in% degroups], levels = degroups)
# Type 'condition' in the console to see is the levels are set correctly

# Set up column data (treatment groups and sample ID)
coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(expdata), condition)

# Create the DESeq2 dataset (dds)
dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=expdata, colData=coldata, design=~condition)
dds$condition <- factor(dds$condition, levels = degroups)

# Run DESeq2 to identify differentially expressed genes
deseq <- DESeq(dds)

# Extract a results table from the DESeq analysis
res <- results(deseq)

# Reorder results by adjusted p vales, so that the most signififcantly DE genes are at the top
res <- res[order(res$padj), ]

# You can do a summary of the results to see how many significantly (alpha=0.05, adjust to 0.01 if needed) upregulated and downregulated DE genes were found
summary(res, alpha=0.05)

# Convert from DESeq object to a data frame.
res <- data.frame(res)

# Look at the top 6 DE genes

# Add normalised counts to the output table. This is so you can later plot expression trends for individual genes in R, Excel, etc.
# Need to normalise the counts first, using the size factors calculated by DESeq2 (in the 'deseq' object)
expdata_norm <- as.matrix(expdata) %*% diag(deseq$sizeFactor)
colnames(expdata_norm) <- colnames(expdata)
annot_counts <- merge(x = res, y = expdata_norm, by = 0, all = TRUE)

# Pull out just significant genes (change from 0.05 to 0.01 if needed)
DE_genes <- subset(annot_counts, padj < 0.05, select=colnames(annot_counts))

# Export as a csv table
write.csv(DE_genes, file=paste0("./results_outliers_removed/DE_genes_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)

#### 9b. Volcano plot ####

p <- EnhancedVolcano(res, lab = row.names(res), selectLab = row.names(res)[1:20], drawConnectors = TRUE, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue')

p <- EnhancedVolcano(res, lab = rownames(res), pointSize = 3, drawConnectors = TRUE, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue')


# NOTE: the above plot shows labels for the top significantly DE (i.e. by lowest adjusted p value) genes.

# Output as publication quality (300dpi) tiff and pdf.
# Create a (300dpi) tiff
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_removed/volcano_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"), dpi = 300, compression = "lzw", device = "tiff", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)
# Create a pdf
ggsave(file = paste0("./results_outliers_removed/volcano_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".pdf"), device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)

#### 9c. DE genes heatmaps and dendrograms ####

# sort by p-value
DE_genes <- DE_genes[order(DE_genes$padj), ]
row.names(DE_genes) <- DE_genes$Row.names

# Pull out normalised counts only
siggc <- DE_genes[colnames(DE_genes) %in% colnames(expdata)]

# Scale and center each row. This is important to visualise relative differences between groups and not have row-wise colouration dominated by high or low gene expression.
xts <- scale(t(siggc))
xtst <- t(xts)

# Define annotation column
annot_columns <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% degroups])
# Make the row names the sample IDs
row.names(annot_columns) <- meta$sample_ID[meta$group %in% degroups]
colnames(annot_columns) <- "Treatment groups"
# Need to factorise it
annot_columns[[1]] <- factor(annot_columns[[1]])

# Generate dendrogram and heatmap for ALL DE genes
pheatmap(xtst, color=colorRampPalette(c("#D55E00", "white", "#0072B2"))(100), annotation_col=annot_columns, annotation_names_col = F, fontsize_col = 12, fontsize_row = 7, labels_row = row.names(siggc), show_rownames = T, filename = paste0("./results_outliers_removed/All_DEG_Heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"))

All_DEG_Heatmap_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease.tiffImage RemovedAll_DEG_Heatmap_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease_noout.tiffImage Removed
Pairwise_sample_heatmap_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease.tiffImage RemovedPairwise_sample_heatmap_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease_noout.tiffImage Removed
PCA_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease.tiffImage RemovedPCA_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease_noout.tiffImage Removed
volcano_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease.tiffImage Removed

volcano_normal_Vs_Huntingtons_disease_noout.tiffImage Removed


Homework for you to try:

There is a different database for microRNA that we’ve analysed this dataset against, called MirGeneDB. MirGeneDB is a database of manually curated microRNA genes that have been validated and annotated as initially described in Fromm et al. 2015 and Fromm et al. 2020. MirGeneDB 2.1 includes more than 16,000 microRNA gene entries representing more than 1,500 miRNA families from 75 metazoan species and published in the 2022 NAR database issue.

The output of this analysis can be found at /work/training/2024/smallRNAseq/runs/run3_MirGeneDB, if you want to practice editing the R scripts we’ve given you to get the same plots as above for this analysis (in preparation for you doing it for your own data).

Running R Scripts on the HPC

If all your data is on the HPC, or your analysis is too large or takes too long on your desktop/laptop, it is possible to run the R scripts on the HPC.

Preparing your R script for the HPC

QUT’s HPC is based on Linux so the path names of where your files are, are likely different on the HPC so we must update them to the HPC path.

Using R studio, you can adjust the paths in your script. In the DESeq2.R script, there are a number of places that we need to change for it to work on the HPC:

Code Block
# Line 22 needs to be changed to:

# Line 25:
metacounts <- read.table("~/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2/mature_counts.txt", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

# Line 30
meta <- read.table("~/workshop/small_RNAseq/DESeq2/metadata_microRNA.txt", header = TRUE)

The H: and W: drives to not exist on the HPC. The folders are there, just under a different path.

Preparing a Script to run the R script on the HPC

A job script needs to be built to request resources and run the script. This one works well for the DESeq2.R script:

Code Block
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N R_analysis
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb
#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
#PBS -m abe

module load r/4.2.1-foss-2022a
mkdir -p ~/workshop/small_RNAseq/r_library
export R_LIBS_USER='~/workshop/small_RNAseq/r_library'


Rscript DESeq2.R

Using R Studio, create a Text File and paste in the contents of this script.

Save it as launch_R.pbs in H:\workshop\small_RNAseq\DESeq2 (Same folder as DESeq2.R (Remember, H: is pointed at your HPC Home Folder.

Running the Script on the HPC

Now the script is on the HPC, we can run it, but we have to convert it first. R Studio on Windows will save the text file as a “Windows” format file. The HPC has trouble reading this file so we can easily convert it “Linux” format file. Once we have converted the file, we can submit the script to the scheduler and wait for it to run. Copy and paste each of the unhashed lines into the linux command line on the HPC.

Code Block
# Convert the launch_R.pbs to Linux format
dos2unix launch_R.pbs
#Once this is run, you do not need to run it again, unless you edit it on R Studio again

# Submit the job to the HPC
qsub launch_R.pbs

# Check the status of the job

Installing R packages on the HPC (Not Needed Today)

Just like R Studio on a Windows Computer, before you can run your R script you need to install the packages your script needs. We have done this for you for this training session but to install your own packages you can follow a procedure like this:

Code Block
bioconductor_packages <- c("clusterProfiler", "pathview", "AnnotationHub", "")
cran_packages <- c("tidyverse", "ggplot2", "plyr", "readxl", "scales")
# Compares installed packages to above packages and returns a vector of missing packages
new_packages <- bioconductor_packages[!(bioconductor_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
new_cran_packages <- cran_packages[!(cran_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
# Install missing bioconductor packages
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# Install missing cran packages
if (length(new_cran_packages)) install.packages(new_cran_packages, repos = "")
# Update all installed packages to the latest version
update.packages(bioconductor_packages, ask = FALSE)
update.packages(cran_packages, ask = FALSE, repos = "")

Save this as install.R

You can then run this on the HPC like before with this submission script:

Code Block
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N R_install
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
#PBS -m abe

module load r/4.2.1-foss-2022a


Rscript install.R

Save this as install.pbs

Run this on the HPC:


2024-2: 7a.1 DE and FA analysis for smallRNASeq

2024-2: 7a-Homework

2024-2: 7a.2 Running R scripts on the HPC

2024-2: 7a.3 Installing R packages on the HPC