Learn what is Nextflow
Install and configure Nextflow
Find pipelines on repositories (e.g. nf-core and epi2me)
Run pipelines using either the command line or a PBS script
Understand input and parameter specifications
Understand the concept of caching and the resume function
Understand how Nextflow pipelines output results
What will be covered during the workshop
1. Getting started with Nextflow
What is Nextflow?
Installing Nextflow
Nextflow’s base configuration
2. Nextflow pipeline repositories
What is nf-core?
What are nf-core pipelines?
Searching for available nf-core pipelines
nf-core support
epi2me workflows
3. Running pipelines
Fetching pipeline code
Software requirements for pipelines
Install and test that the pipeline installed successfully
From the command line
Launching Nextflow using a PBS script
4. Input specifications
Samplesheet input
Examples of samplesheets
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Input folder
5. Parameters
Finding list of parameters available
Exercise 1
Specifying parameters on the command line
6. Nextflow caching
Resume option
Structure of work folder
Task execution directory
Specifying another work directory
Clean the work directory
7. Nextflow pipeline outputs and PBS outputs
Results folder
Nextflow log, metrics and reports
PBS output
8. Where to from now?