Download data using the nf-core/fetchngs pipeline
Source: https://nf-co.re/fetchngs/1.12.0/
Alternatively, to the above approach we can also use the nextflow nf-core/fetchngs pipeline to download data.
First, prepare a file with the list of SRA IDs of interest to be downloaded:
In the terminal create a new folder called ‘fetchngs’. For example:
Code Block mkdir $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/data/fetchngs #then, move to the newly create folder cd $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/data/fetchngs
Copy the following list of IDs. Hint click on the top right corner of the block below to copy the text.
Alternatively, instead of list of SSR identifiers it is possible to download all data in a given BioProject ID:
Code Block |
PRJNA862097 |
NOTE: Either the list above or citing the BioProject ID in the ‘ids.csv’ file will download exactly the same data.
Create a ‘ids.csv’. file using nano and paste the list of IDs:
Next, copy and paste the following PBS script to download the specified files in ‘ids.csv’.
NOTE: instead of listing individual SRR identifiers it is also possible to list the BioProject ID (e.g., PRJNA862107) which will fetch all SRR samples automatically.
Secondly, create a launch PBS script to download the data for the above IDs