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nameeResearch_Session4_RNAseq_20241014 Final.pptx

What is RNA-seq?

RNA-seq (RNA sequencing) is a powerful and widely used technique for analysing the quantity and sequences of RNA in a sample. It provides a snapshot of the entire transcriptome—the complete set of RNA transcripts produced by the genome at a given time.


In practice, both pipelines are highly regarded, and the best choice often comes down to the specific requirements of your research project and the resources available.

Overview of pipeline tools:


  1. Merge re-sequenced FastQ files (cat)

  2. Auto-infer strandedness by subsampling and pseudoalignment (fqSalmon)

  3. Read QC (FastQC)

  4. UMI extraction (UMI-tools)

  5. Adapter and quality trimming (Trim Galore!)

  6. Removal of genome contaminants (BBSplit)

  7. Removal of ribosomal RNA (SortMeRNA)

  8. Choice of multiple alignment and quantification routes:

    1. STAR -> Salmon

    2. STAR -> RSEM


  9. Sort and index alignments (SAMtools)

  10. UMI-based deduplication (UMI-tools)

  11. Duplicate read marking (picard MarkDuplicates)

  12. Transcript assembly and quantification (StringTie)

  13. Create bigWig coverage files (BEDToolsbedGraphToBigWig)

  14. Extensive quality control:

    1. RSeQC

    2. Qualimap

    3. dupRadar

    4. Preseq

    5. DESeq2

    6. Kraken2 -> Bracken on unaligned sequences; optional

  15. Pseudoalignment and quantification (Salmon or ‘Kallisto’optional)

  16. Present QC for raw read, alignment, gene biotype, sample similarity, and strand-specificity checks (MultiQCR)