Create a metadata “samplesheet.csv” for small RNAseq datasets.
Learn to use a “nextflow.config” file in the working directory to override Nextflow parameters (e.g., specify where to find the pipeline assets).
Learn how to prepare a PBS script to run the expression profiling of small RNAs against the reference miRBase database annotated microRNAs.
Preparing the pipeline inputs
The pipeline requires preparing at least 2 files:
Metadata file (samplesheet.csv) thatspecifies the name of the samples, location of FASTQ files ('Read 1' and ‘Read 2’), and strandedness (forward, reverse, or auto. Note: auto is used when the strandedness of the data is unknown)
PBS Pro script (launch_nf-core_RNAseq_QC.pbs) with instructions to run the pipeline
Nextflow.config - revision 2.3.1 of the nf-core/smrnaseq pipeline may not be able to identify the location of reference adapter sequences, thus, we will use a local nextflow.config file to tell Nextflow where to find the reference adapters necessary to trim the raw small_RNA-Seq data
A. Create the metadata file (samplesheet.csv):
Change to the data folder directory:
Code Block |
cp /work/training/2024/smallRNAseq/scripts/create_nf-core_smallRNAseq_samplesheet.sh $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session6_smallRNAseq/data/human_disease |
Note: you could replace ‘$HOME/workshop/data’ with “.” A dot indicates ‘current directory’ and will copy the file to the directory where you are currently located
View the content of the script:
Code Block |
cat create_nf-core_smallRNAseq_samplesheet.sh |
NOTE: modify ‘read1_extension’ as appropriate for your data. For example: _1.fastq.gz or _R1_001.fastq.gz or _R1.fq.gz , etc
Let’s generate the metadata file by running the following command:
Copy the PBS Pro script for running the full small RNAseq pipeline (launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs)
Copy and paste the code below to the terminal:
Code Block |
cp $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session6_smallRNAseq/data/human_disease/samplesheet.csv $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session6_smallRNAseq/runs/run1_human_miRBase cp /work/training/2024/smallRNAseq/scripts/launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_miRBase.pbs $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session6_smallRNAseq/runs/run1_human_miRBase cp /work/training/2024/smallRNAseq/scripts/nextflow.config $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session6_smallRNAseq/runs/run1_human_miRBase cd $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session6_smallRNAseq/runs/run1_human_miRBase |
Line 1: Copy the samplesheet.csv file to the working directory
Line 2: copy Copy the launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs submission script to the working directory
Line 3: Copy the nextflow.config file from shared folder to my working directory.
Line 4: move to the working directory
View the content of the launch_nf-core_RNAseq_QC.pbs
Code Block |
cat launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_miRBase.pbs |
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N nfsmallRNAseq #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #run the tasks in the current working directory cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR #load java and assign up to 4GB RAM memory for nextflow to use module load java export NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g'
#run the small RNAseq pipeline nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq -r 2.3.1 \ -profile singularity \ --outdir results \ --input samplesheet.csv \ --genome GRCh38-local \ --mirtrace_species hsa \ --three_prime_adapter 'TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG' \ --fastp_min_length 18 \ --fastp_max_length 30 \ --hairpin /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/mirbase/hairpin.fa \ --mature /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/mirbase/mature.fa \ --mirna_gtf /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/mirbase/hsa.gff3 \ -resume |
Code Block |
qsub launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_humanmiRBase.pbs |
Monitor the progress:
Code Block |
cp $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/data/mouse/samplesheet.csv $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/runs/run2_RNAseq cd $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/runs/run2_RNAseq |
Line 1: Copy the samplesheet.csv file to the working directory
Line 2: move to the working directory
Copy the PBS Pro script to run the nf-core/rnaseq pipeline:
Code Block |
cp $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/scripts/launch_nf-core_RNAseq_pipeline.pbs $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/runs/run2_RNAseq |
NOTE: if you had issues with the above lines. Alternatively, run the following code to copy the sample sheet.csv and launch files:
Code Block |
cp /work/training/2024/rnaseq/data/samplesheet.csv $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/runs/run2_RNAseq cp /work/training/2024/rnaseq/scripts/launch_nf-core_RNAseq_pipeline.pbs cd $HOME/workshop/2024-2/session4_RNAseq/runs/run2_RNAseq |
Code Block |
mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/scripts cp /work/training/smallRNAseq/scripts/* $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/scripts/ ls -l $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/scripts/ |
Line 1: The -p indicates create 'parental directories as required. Thus the line 1 command creates both /workshop/ and the subfolder /workshop/scripts/
Line 2: Copies all files from /work/datasets/workshop/scripts/ as noted by an asterisk to the newly created folder $HOME/workshop/scripts/
Line 3: List the files in the script folder
Copy multiple subdirectories and files using rsync
Code Block |
mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/ rsync -rv /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/ $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/ |
Line 1: The first command creates the folder /scripts/
Line 2: rsync copies all subfolders and files from the specified source folder to the selected destination folder. The -r = recursively will copy directories and files; -v = verbose messages of the transfer of files
Create a folder for running the nf-core small RNA-seq pipeline
Code Block |
mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq mkdir $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/run1_test mkdir $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/run2_smallRNAseq_human cd $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/ |
Lines 1-4: create sub-folders for each exercise
Line 5: change the directory to the folder “small_RNAseq”
Exercise 1: Running a test with nf-core sample data
First, let’s assess the execution of the nf-core/rnaseq pipeline by running a test using sample data.
Code Block |
cat launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_test.pbs |
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N nfsmrnaseq #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #work on current directory (folder) cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR #load java and set up memory settings to run nextflow module load java export NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g' # run the test nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq -profile test,singularity --outdir results -r 2.1.0 |
nextflow command: nextflow run
pipeline name: nf-core/smrnaseq
pipeline version: -r 2.1.0
container type and sample data: -profile test,singularity
output directory: --outdir results
Submitting the job
Now we can submit the small RNAseq test job to the HPC scheduler:
Monitoring the Run
Code Block |
qjobs |
Exercise 2: Running the small RNA pipeline using public human data
The pipeline requires preparing at least 2 files:
Metadata file (samplesheet.csv) thatspecifies the “sample name” and “location of FASTQ files” ('Read 1').
PBS Pro script (launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs) with instructions to run the pipeline
Create the metadata file (samplesheet.csv):
Change to the data folder directory:
Code Block |
cp /work/training/smallRNAseq/scripts/create_nf-core_smallRNAseq_samplesheet.sh $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/human |
Note: you could replace ‘$HOME/workshop/data’ with “.” A dot indicates ‘current directory’ and will copy the file to the directory where you are currently located
View the content of the script:
Code Block |
cat create_nf-core_smallRNAseq_samplesheet.sh |
#!/bin/bash -l #User defined variables. ########################################################## DIR='$HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/human' INDEX='samplesheet.csv' ########################################################## #load python module module load python/3.10.8-gcccore-12.2.0 #fetch the script to create the sample metadata table wget -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-core/rnaseq/master/bin/fastq_dir_to_samplesheet.py chmod +x fastq_dir_to_samplesheet.py #generate initial sample metadata file ./fastq_dir_to_samplesheet.py $DIR index.csv \ --strandedness auto \ --read1_extension .fastq.gz #format index file cat index.csv | awk -F "," '{print $1 "," $2}' > ${INDEX} #Remove intermediate files: rm index.csv fastq_dir_to_samplesheet.py |
Copy the PBS Pro script for running the full small RNAseq pipeline (launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs)
Copy and paste the code below to the terminal:
Code Block |
cp $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/data/human/samplesheet.csv $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/run2_smallRNAseq_human cp $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/scripts/launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/run2_smallRNAseq_human cd $HOME/workshop/small_RNAseq/run2_smallRNAseq_human |
Line 1: Copy the samplesheet.csv file to the working directory
Line 2: copy the launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs submission script to the working directory
Line 3: move to the working directory
View the content of the launch_nf-core_RNAseq_QC.pbs
Code Block |
cat launch_nf-core_smallRNAseq_human.pbs |
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N nfsmallRNAseq #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -m abe
#run the tasks in the current working directory cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR #load java and assign up to 4GB RAM memory for nextflow to use module load java export NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g'
#run the small RNAseq pipeline nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq -r 2.1.0 \ -profile singularity \ --outdir results \ --input samplesheet.csv \ --genome GRCh38-local \ --mirtrace_species hsa \ --three_prime_adapter 'TGGAATTCTCGGGTGCCAAGG' \ --fastp_min_length 18 \ --fastp_max_length 30 \ --hairpin /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/mirbase/hairpin.fa \ --mature /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/mirbase/mature.fa \ --mirna_gtf /work/training/smallRNAseq/data/mirbase/hsa.gff3 \ -resume |
Note: the “mature_counts.csv” needs to be transposed prior running the statistical analysis. This can be done either user the R script or using a script called “transpose_csv.py”.
Let’s initially create a “DESeq2” folder and copy the files needed for the statistical analysis: