Versions Compared


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Let’s create an NEW interactive session on the HPC:

Code Block
qsub -I -S /bin/bash -l walltime=10:00:00 -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb

We will now create a new CONDA environment to install the tools needed for mapping. The reason we need to create a new a new environments is because the QC and mapping tools have no compatible dependencies.

Create a conda environment called snifflesONTvariants_mapping

Code Block
conda create -n ONTvariants_mapping
Code Block
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
  current version:

latest version: 24.5.0

Please update conda by running

    $ conda update -n base -c defaults conda

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: /home/barrero/miniconda3/envs/ONTvariant

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate ONTvariants_mapping
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate


Next, we need to install few tools for today’s exercises. Now let’s go the and search for the following tools and instructions on how to install them:

Code Block
samtools, sniffles, minimap2

For example, search for samtools:


Click on the link to the tool of interest and you will be presented with the conda command line to run in your system to install the tool:


Copy and paste the first command shown line from above in into your terminal where you have activated the ‘ONTvariant’ conda environmentsessions with the activated ‘ONTvariants_mapping’ environment. Install samtools (version 1.20):

Code Block
conda install bioconda::samtools

Next, let’s install minimap2 (version 2.28):

Code Block
conda install bioconda::minimap2

Now we are done installing all the tools that we need for today.


Alternative approach to create a conda env and install tools (we are not doing this - this just for your information) - installing all tools at once (slower option!)

Prepare the following environment.yml file:

Code Block
name: ONTvariants_mapping
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - bioconda
  - samtools=1.20
  - minimapminimap2=2-2.28

Create a new environment:


As you have seen, we can search at for other tools that we might be interested to use.

Remember, if you run into compatibility issues or errors, you can always create a new conda environment for the tool of interest. NOTE: you can switch between conda environements as follows:

Code Block
conda activate ONTvariants_QC
conda deactivate
conda activate ONTvariants_mapping


Code Block
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N run2_mapping
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=16gb
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00
#PBS -m abe


#condaconda activate ONTvariants_QC
conda activate porechopmapping

# Variables

#STEP1: Mapping preprocessed reads with minimap2 onto reference genome
minimap2#minimap2 -t 8 -a $GENOME $FASTQ | awk '$3!="*"'  > ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.sam
minimap2 -t 8 -a $GENOME $FASTQ > ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.sam

##STEP2: samtools - SAM to sorted BAM
samtools view -bS ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.sam > ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.bam
samtools sort -o ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.sorted.bam ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.bam
samtools index ${SAMPLEID}_mapped_${GENOMEID}.sorted.bam


Monitor the progress of the job:

Code Block

Once the run has completed. The following files will be in the “run2_mapping” folder:

Code Block
├── launch_ONTvariants_mapping.pbs
├── SRR17138639_mapped_chr20.bam
├── SRR17138639_mapped_chr20.sam
├── SRR17138639_mapped_chr20.sorted.bam
└── SRR17138639_mapped_chr20.sorted.bam.bai

To visualise the mapped reads (sorted BAM file) using IGV (see below), first we need to connect to the HPC using FileFinder:

NOTE: To proceed, you need to be on QUT’s WiFi network or signed via VPN.

To browse the working folder in the HPC type in the file finder:

Windows PC

Code Block


Code Block

Visualisation of the alignment using IGV


Zoom in a visualise the alignments:


Next: ONTvariants - epi2me WF-Human Variation pipeline