Software Requirements
an initial python venv
bonito has a very specific requirement on pytorch 1.10.0, so depending on the base CUDA version we'll look at setting up one of these two:
could look at the web server versionĀ
Use threads and redirect STDOUT to a file (line 6)
Bonito Standalone
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -N bonito-gpu
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=32gb:ngpus=1:gputype=A100
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00
#Change to folder where the job was submitted
# Run Bonito - check paths and parameters are correct
singularity exec -B /work/ont --nv docker://ghcr.io/eresearchqut/bonito:v0.0.5 bonito \
basecaller dna_r9.4.1_e8_sup@v3.3 \
./example_fast5 \
--modified-bases 5mC \
--reference ./reference/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.mmi \
--recursive \
--alignment-threads 4 | \
samtools view -u | samtools sort -@ 4 > ./bonito_test/bam/HG002_as_test.bam
# Run samtools index
singularity exec -B /work/ont --nv docker://ghcr.io/eresearchqut/bonito:v0.0.5 \
samtools index HG002_as_test.bam |
Clair3 is available in a nextflow pipeline: