Airway smooth muscle cells
Himes BE, Jiang X, Wagner P, Hu R, Wang Q, Klanderman B, Whitaker RM, Duan Q, Lasky-Su J, Nikolos C, Jester W, Johnson M, Panettieri R Jr, Tantisira KG, Weiss ST, Lu Q. “RNA-Seq Transcriptome Profiling Identifies CRISPLD2 as a Glucocorticoid Responsive Gene that Modulates Cytokine Function in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells.” PLoS One. 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99625. PMID: 24926665. GEO: GSE52778.
From the abstract, a brief description of the RNA-Seq experiment on airway smooth muscle (ASM) cell lines: “Using RNA-Seq, a high-throughput sequencing method, we characterized transcriptomic changes in four primary human ASM cell lines that were treated with dexamethasone - a potent synthetic glucocorticoid (1 micromolar for 18 hours).
Sample | Cell_line | GEO_Accession | Treatment | |||||||||
1 | 126 | 2.89 G | 1.55 Gb | N61311 | - | GSM1275862 | 2013-11-2616:39:00Z | GSM1275862 | Untreated | |||
2 | 126 | 2.67 G | 1.45 Gb | N61311 | - | GSM1275863 | 2013-11-2616:38:00Z | GSM1275863 | Dexamethasone | |||
3 | 126 | 2.88 G | 1.56 Gb | N61311 | - | GSM1275864 | 2013-11-2616:41:00Z | GSM1275864 | Albuterol | |||
4 | 126 | 2.76 G | 1.48 Gb | N61311 | - | GSM1275865 | 2013-11-2616:42:00Z | GSM1275865 | Albuterol_Dexamethasone | |||
5 | 126 | 3.55 G | 2.01 Gb | N052611 | - | GSM1275866 | 2013-11-2616:47:00Z | GSM1275866 | Untreated | |||
6 | 87 | 3.79 G | 2.22 Gb | N052611 | 1 | GSM1275867 | 2013-11-2617:02:00Z | GSM1275867 | Dexamethasone | |||
7 | 126 | 5.04 G | 3.03 Gb | N052611 | 1 | GSM1275868 | 2013-11-2616:49:00Z | GSM1275868 | Albuterol | |||
8 | 114 | 3.38 G | 1.86 Gb | N052611 | 1 | GSM1275869 | 2013-11-2617:03:00Z | GSM1275869 | Albuterol_Dexamethasone | |||
9 | 120 | 3.61 G | 2.10 Gb | N080611 | - | GSM1275870 | 2013-11-2617:03:00Z | GSM1275870 | Untreated | |||
10 | 126 | 4.32 G | 2.59 Gb | N080611 | - | GSM1275871 | 2013-11-2616:49:00Z | GSM1275871 | Dexamethasone | |||
11 | 126 | 3.84 G | 2.30 Gb | N080611 | - | GSM1275872 | 2013-11-2616:49:00Z | GSM1275872 | Albuterol | |||
12 | 107 | 3.38 G | 1.96 Gb | N080611 | - | GSM1275873 | 2013-11-2617:02:00Z | GSM1275873 | Albuterol_Dexamethasone | |||
13 | 101 | 3.52 G | 2.06 Gb | N061011 | 1 | GSM1275874 | 2013-11-2617:04:00Z | GSM1275874 | Untreated | |||
14 | 98 | 4.07 G | 2.39 Gb | N061011 | 1 | GSM1275875 | 2013-11-2617:08:00Z | GSM1275875 | Dexamethasone | |||
15 | 125 | 3.56 G | 1.96 Gb | N061011 | 1 | GSM1275876 | 2013-11-2617:04:00Z | GSM1275876 | Albuterol | |||
16 | 126 | 3.92 G | 2.22 Gb | N061011 | 1 | GSM1275877 | 2013-11-2616:52:00Z | GSM1275877 | Albuterol_Dexamethasone |
Fetching FASTQ files from SRA
Install the sra-tool kit if not yet installed. For example:
#Create a conda environment conda create -n sra -c bioconda sra-tools conda activate sra
Save a list of SRA accession numbers to download in a file called SraAccList.txt
SRR1039508 SRR1039509 SRR1039510 SRR1039511 SRR1039512 SRR1039513 SRR1039514 SRR1039515 SRR1039516 SRR1039517 SRR1039518 SRR1039519 SRR1039520 SRR1039521 SRR1039522 SRR1039523
Use the following PBS Pro submission script to fetch the FASTQ files for all listed samples. Note, data will be downloaded to the folder where the job is submitted. Example script (fetch_SraAccList.pbs):
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N sra_fetch #PBS -l walltime=8:00:00 #PBS -l mem=8gb #PBS -l ncpus=4 #PBS -m bae ###PBS -M email@host #PBS -j oe #Usage: qsub fetch_SraAccList.pbs cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR for i in `cat SraAccList.txt`; do echo $i prefetch $i fastq-dump --split-files $i done