Prepared by the eResearch Office, QUT.
“Sarek is a workflow designed to detect variants on whole genome or targeted sequencing data”
This page provides a guide to QUT users to run the nf-core/sarek workflow on the QUT HPC.
Further details on the workflow can be found at:
Install Nextflow
The Sarek workflow requires Nextflow to be installed in your account on the HPC. Find details on how to install and test Nextflow here prepare a cextflow.config file and run a PBS pro submission script for Nextflow pipelines.
Additional information available here:
The Sarek Workflow Tools
The Sarek workflow will perform the following steps by default:
Sequencing quality control (
)Map Reads to Reference (
BWA mem
)Mark Duplicates (
GATK MarkDuplicatesSpark
)Base (Quality Score) Recalibration (
GATK BaseRecalibrator
)Preprocessing quality control (
samtools stats
)Preprocessing quality control (
Qualimap bamqc
)Overall pipeline run summaries (
A number of optional tools can be run during the workflow execution:
Germline variant calling can currently only be performed with the following variant callers:
FreeBayes, HaplotypeCaller, Manta, mpileup, Strelka, TIDDIT
Somatic variant calling can currently only be performed with the following variant callers:
ASCAT, Control-FREEC, FreeBayes, Manta, MSIsensor, Mutect2, Strelka
Tumor-only somatic variant calling can currently only be performed with the following variant callers:
Control-FREEC, Manta, mpileup, Mutect2, TIDDIT
Annotation is done using snpEff, VEP, or even both consecutively.
To enable these tools, the option --tools must be provided on the command line, or added to the config file.
To use multiple tools use a comma to separate them.
So to use the HaypeCaller, mpileup and snpEFF during the pipeline
--tools 'HaplotypeCaller,mpileup,snpEFF'
Or within nextflow.config = 'HaplotypeCaller,mpileup,snpEFF'
params { tools = 'HaplotypeCaller,mpileup,snpEFF' }
Workflow steps
Sarek has these steps
mapping, prepare_recalibration, recalibrate, variant_calling, annotate, ControlFREEC
Data requirements change depending on the step you start with. Check the Sarek documentation for details.nextflow run nf-core/sarek -profile test,singularity
Run test
#run test nextflow run nf-core/sarek -profile test,singularity #resume nextflow run nf-core/sarek -profile test,singularity -resume
Preparing Data
Starting the Sarek workflow at the “mapping” step requires paired fastq files (See Sarek documentation for details). You need to create a suitable TAB separated text file that will be the input for the workflow. Mapping requires the following columns
subject sex status sample lane fastq1 fastq2
Example input.tsv
Subject01 XX 0 Sample01 1 /work/group/data/subject01-sample01_R1.fastq.gz /work/group/data/subject01-sample01_R2.fastq.gz Subject02 XX 0 Sample01 1 /work/group/data/subject02-sample01_R1.fastq.gz /work/group/data/subject02-sample01_R2.fastq.gz
Selecting a Genome
Please see Reference Genomes » nf-core ( for details on Genomes available.
The genome is to be provided on the command line or in the nextflow.config file
--genome 'GRCh38'
params { genome = 'CRCh38' }
Putting it all together
Create a folder to store the run input and output.
The basic command to run Sarek is
nextflow run /nf-cire/sarek -profile singularity --input 'input.tsv' --genome 'GRCh38' --tools 'HaplotypeCaller,mpileup,snpEFF'
Or, create a nextflow.config file to store the options in a different place.
params { input = 'input.tsv' genome = 'GRCh38' tools = 'HaplotypeCaller,mpileup,snpEFF' }
With this file in place, the command to run the pipeline is
nextflow run /nf-cire/sarek -profile singularity
Preparing to run on the HPC
To run this on the HPC a PBS submission script needs to be created.
In the folder you have created for this run create launch.pbs
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N MySarekRun #PBS -l walltime=168:00:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=5gb cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g' module load java nextflow run nf-core/sarek
Alternative option to run Sark (define parameters in the command)
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N MySarekRun #PBS -l walltime=168:00:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=5gb cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g' module load java nextflow run nf-core/sarek -profile singularity \ --input sample.tsv -name GRCh38_FBS1_LNCAP \ --genome GRCh38 --tools HaplotypeCaller,snpEff,VEP \ --generate_gvcf
Submitting the job
Once you have created the folder for the run, the input.tsv file, nextflow.config and launch.pbs you are ready to submit.
Submit the run with this command (On Lyra)
qsub launch.pbs
Monitoring the Run
You can use the command
qstat -u $USER
To check on the jobs you are running. Nextflow will launch additional jobs during the run.
You can also check the .nextflow.log file for details on what is going on.
Finally, if you have configured the connection to the NFTower you can logon and check your run.