Create working folder and copy data
Let’s create an interactive session on the HPC:
qsub -I -S /bin/bash -l walltime=10:00:00 -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=4gb
Let’s create working folders for today. Copy and paste the following block of code into your terminal and hit enter for the last command:
mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/data mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/scripts mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/runs/run1_QC mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/runs/run2_mapping mkdir -p $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/runs/run3_variant_calling
Now, let’s copy the scripts and data for today’s session:
cp /work/training/ONTvariants/data/* $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/data cp /work/training/ONTvariants/scripts/* $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/scripts cd $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants
Install tools using conda
Create a conda environments
Create a conda environment called ONTvariants_QC
conda create -n ONTvariants_QC
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /home/barrero/miniconda3/envs/ONTvariants_QC Proceed ([y]/n)? y Preparing transaction: done Verifying transaction: done Executing transaction: done # # To activate this environment, use # # $ conda activate ONTvariants_QC # # To deactivate an active environment, use # # $ conda deactivate
Let’s activate the conda environment:
conda activate ONTvariant_QC
Next, we need to install few tools for today’s exercises. Now let’s go the and search for the following tools and instructions on how to install them:
nanoplot, porechop_abi, chopper, seqkit
For example, search for nanoplot:
If the tool you are looking is available in conda, a list of options will be presented. Typically choose the option at the top with most downloads and compatible for your system:
Click on the link to the tool of interest and you will be presented with the conda command line to run in your system to install the tool:
Copy and paste the first command shown above in your terminal where you have activated the ‘ONTvariant’ conda environment (Approx. 5-10min):
conda install bioconda::nanoplot
Now repeat the process for porechop_abi (Approx. 1min)’, then install it (Approx. 1min):
conda install bioconda::porechop_abi
Next, let’s install chopper (Approx. 1min):
conda install bioconda::chopper
Finally, let’s install the seqkit suite of tools:
conda install bioconda::seqkit
Alternative approach to create a conda env and install tools (we are not doing this - this just for your information) - installing all tools at once (slower option!)
Prepare the following environment.yml file:
name: ONTvariants_QC channels: - conda-forge - defaults - bioconda dependencies: - nanoplot=1.42.0 - porechop=0.2.4 - porechop_abi=0.5.0 - chopper=0.8.0
Create a new environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Running QC
Now that we have installed all the tools needed for the QC of Nanopore reads, let’s run the preprocessing of reads.
Let’s initially move to the run1_QC working directory:
cd $HOME/workshop/ONTvariants/runs/run1_QC
Now let’s copy the script for the exercise:
cp /work/training/ONTvariants/scripts/launch_ONTvariants_QC.pbs .
Note: the above script copies the launch script for the scripts folder to the current directory denoted by the full stop “ . “ at the end of the command.
Let’s print the content of the script:
cat launch_ONTvariants_QC.pbs
#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N run1_QC #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=16gb #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00 #PBS -m abe cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR conda activate ONTvariants_QC ############################################################### # Variables ############################################################### FASTQ='/work/training/ONTvariants/data/SRR17138639_1.fastq.gz' GENOME='/work/training/ONTvariants/data/chr20.fasta' SAMPLEID='SRR17138639' ############################################################### #STEP1: NanoPlot - overall QC report NanoPlot -t 8 --fastq $FASTQ --prefix ${SAMPLEID}_QC_ --plots dot --N50 --tsv_stats #STEP2: porechop_abi - remove adapters porechop_abi -abi -t 8 --input ${SAMPLEID}.fastq.gz --discard_middle --output ${SAMPLEID}_trimmed.fastq #STEP3: chopper - retain reads with >Q10 and length>300b chopper -q 10 -l 300 -i ${SAMPLEID}_trimmed.fastq > ${SAMPLEID}_trimmed_q10.fastq #STEP4: get stats of trimmed FASTQ files seqkit stats *.fastq > Report_trimmed_FASTQ_stats.txt
Line 1: Defines that the script is a bash script.
Lines 2-5: Are commented out with “#” at the beginning and are ignored by bash, however, these PBS lines tell the scholar (PBS Pro) the name of the job (line 2), the number of CPUs and RAM memory to use (line 3), the time to run the script (line 4) and report if there are any errors (line 5).
Line 7: Tells the job to run on the current directory.
Line 9: Activate the conda environment where the QC tools were installed using conda.
Lines 11-17: User defined variables. Modify the FASTQ, genome and/or sample ID to use to run the job as appropriate. Note: in the lines below, the variable names are used instead of the actual names or locations of the files (e.g., $FASTQ)
Line 20: Run a Quality Control (QC) overview of the raw Nanopore reads using NanoPlot
Line 23: Remove adapter sequences from the 5'- and 3’-ends of the raw reads
Line 26: Filter reads with a quality score below Q10 (90% accuracy; -q 10) and shorter than 300 bases (-l 300)
Line 28: collect the stats for trimmed FASTQ files processed using porechop_abi and chopper
Submit the QC job to the HPC cluster:
qsub launch_ONTvariants_QC.pbs
Monitor the progress of the job:
The job will take ~30 - 40 min to complete.
The following list of outputs will be generated once the job has completed:
. ├── launch_ONTvariants_QC.pbs ├── SRR17138639_1_porechop_abi_chopper_q10_300b.fa ├── SRR17138639_1_porechop_abi_chopper_q10_300b.fa_stats.txt ├── SRR17138639_1_porechop_abi_chopper_q10_300b.fastq ├── SRR17138639_1_porechop_abi.fastq ├── SRR17138639.fastq.gz ├── SRR17138639_QC_LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_dot.html ├── SRR17138639_QC_LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_dot.png ├── SRR17138639_QC_NanoPlot_20240517_2037.log ├── SRR17138639_QC_NanoPlot-report.html ├── SRR17138639_QC_NanoStats.txt ├── SRR17138639_QC_Non_weightedHistogramReadlength.html ├── SRR17138639_QC_Non_weightedHistogramReadlength.png ├── SRR17138639_QC_Non_weightedLogTransformed_HistogramReadlength.html ├── SRR17138639_QC_Non_weightedLogTransformed_HistogramReadlength.png ├── SRR17138639_QC_WeightedHistogramReadlength.html ├── SRR17138639_QC_WeightedHistogramReadlength.png ├── SRR17138639_QC_WeightedLogTransformed_HistogramReadlength.html ├── SRR17138639_QC_WeightedLogTransformed_HistogramReadlength.png ├── SRR17138639_QC_Yield_By_Length.html └── SRR17138639_QC_Yield_By_Length.png
As outputs find the porechop_abi processed file (SRR17138639_1_porechop_abi.fastq
) and the chopper output (SRR17138639_1_porechop_abi_chopper_q10_300b.fastq
). To visualise the QC reports, let’s connect to the HPC via file finder (see below).
NOTE: To proceed, you need to be on QUT’s WiFi network or signed via VPN.
To browse the working folder in the HPC type in the file finder:
Windows PC
Once connected, browse to the “/ONTvariants/runs/run1_QC” folder.
Let’s open the “SRR17138639_QC_NanoPlot-report.html“ report:
Summary statistics
Metrics | dataset |
number_of_reads | 5513156 |
number_of_bases | 7815960904.0 |
median_read_length | 586.0 |
mean_read_length | 1417.7 |
read_length_stdev | 2997.2 |
n50 | 4054.0 |
mean_qual | 11.4 |
median_qual | 13.4 |
longest_read_(with_Q):1 | 199230 (3.7) |
longest_read_(with_Q):2 | 169532 (3.9) |
longest_read_(with_Q):3 | 134047 (3.6) |
longest_read_(with_Q):4 | 133337 (3.6) |
longest_read_(with_Q):5 | 115232 (3.3) |
highest_Q_read_(with_length):1 | 26.1 (290) |
highest_Q_read_(with_length):2 | 25.4 (202) |
highest_Q_read_(with_length):3 | 24.9 (331) |
highest_Q_read_(with_length):4 | 24.5 (232) |
highest_Q_read_(with_length):5 | 24.5 (243) |
Reads >Q5: | 5417207 (98.3%) 7502.8Mb |
Reads >Q7: | 5275906 (95.7%) 6978.9Mb |
Reads >Q10: | 4853447 (88.0%) 6056.6Mb |
Reads >Q12: | 3905370 (70.8%) 4809.9Mb |
Reads >Q15: | 1324999 (24.0%) 1571.9Mb |
Next, let’s inspect the “SRR17138639_QC_LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_dot.png“ file. Alternatively for high resolution image open instead “SRR17138639_QC_LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_dot.html“