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General information
The viral surveillance and diagnosis (VSD) bioinformatics toolkit is a pipeline based on the scientific workflow manager Nextflow.
It is designed to help phytosanitary diagnostics of viruses and viroid pathogens in quarantine facilities. It takes small RNA-Seq samples as input.
Install Nextflow
The VSD workflow requires Nextflow to be installed in your account on the HPC. Find details on how to install and test Nextflow here prepare a nextflow.config file and run a PBS pro submission script for Nextflow pipelines.
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git clone file:///work/pipelines/eresearch/vsd -b vsd-1.0 |
Install conda3 or miniconda3
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name: vsd-1.0 channels: - bioconda - conda-forge - defaults - r - anaconda dependencies: - blast=2.11.0 - cap3=10.2011 - spades=3.14.0 - emboss=6.6.0 - openjdk=8.0.152 - fastp=0.20.1 - biopython=1.76 - numpy=1.16.5 - matplotlib=2.2.3 - velvet=1.2.10 - bowtie=1.3.0 - samtools=1.12 - picard==2.25.6 - bedtools - bcftools - pandas - fastqc=0.11.9 - fastp=0.20.1 - cutadapt=3.5 - umi_tools=1.1.2 |
Install a local NCBI blast directory (NT and NR)
Find detailed infor on how to download these databases at
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#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N blastdb_download #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -l mem=60gb #PBS -l ncpus=2 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR perl --decompress nt [*] perl --decompress nr [*] perl taxdb tar -xzf taxdb.tar.gz |
The VSD workflow
The VSD workflow will perform the following steps by default:
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params { blastlocaldb = true spades = true contamination_detection = true } |
Preparing the data
an index.csv file
You need to create a TAB delimited text file that will be the input for the workflow. By default the pipeline will look for a file called “index.csv” in the base directory but you can specify any file name using the --indexfile [filename]
in the nextflow run command. This text file requires the following columns (which needs to be included as a header): sampleid,samplepath,minlen,maxlen:
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blastn_local_db = '/work/hia_mt18005/databases/PVirDB/PVriDB_ver2021_11_09/PVirDB_ver20211109.fasta' |
Running the pipeline
Finally you need to create a PBS script which includes your nextflow run command. An example of PBS script is included in the base directory and will run the pipeline with default steps:
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qsub nextflow_example.pbs |
Monitoring the run
You can use the command
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qstat -u $USER |
Finally, if you have configured the connection to the NFTower you can logon and check your run.
Under the results folder, the pipeline will populate outputs under separate folders for each step. These will be stored in subfolders for each sample:
01_read_size_selection (cutadapt log file and fastq file including reads only matching the size specified in the index.csv file) MT020_21-22nt_cutadapt.log & MT020_21-22nt.fastq
02_velvet (velvet results and the fasta file which includes the velvet assembled contigs MT020_velvet_assembly_21-22nt.fasta
02a_spades (if spades is additionally run)
03_cap3 (fasta file of the scaffolds produced by CAP3 as well as the singletons) MT020_velvet_cap3_21-22nt_rename.fasta
04_blastn (all blastn results, filtered results limited to only viruses and viroid top 5 hit matches and their taxonomy) MT020_velvet_21-22nt_megablast_vs_NT.bls, MT020_velvet_21-22nt_megablast_vs_NT_top5Hits.txt, MT020_velvet_21-22nt_megablast_vs_NT_top5Hits_virus_viroids_final.txt MT020_velvet_21-22nt_megablast_vs_NT_top5Hits_virus_viroids_seq_ids_taxonomy.txt
05_blastoutputs (
.jar summary output which clusters all the contigs matching to a specific hit. summary_MT029_velvet_21-22nt_megablast_vs_NT_top5Hits_virus_viroids_final.txt06_blastp (blastp outputs) MT020_velvet_21-22nt_getorf.min50aa.fasta, MT020_velvet_21-22nt_getorf.min50aa_blastp_vs_NR_out_virus_viroid.txt
07_filternstats (filtered blast summary with various coverage statistics for each virus and viroid hit, and associated consensus fasta file and vcf file) MT020_21-22nt_top_scoring_targets_with_cov_stats.txt, MT020_21-22nt_MK929590_Peach_latent_mosaic_viroid.consensus.fasta, MT020_21-22nt_MK929590_Peach_latent_mosaic_viroid_sequence_variants.vcf.gz
08_summary (summary of results for all samples included in the index.csv file. This includes a cross-contamination prediction) run_top_scoring_targets_with_cov_stats_with_cont_flag_21-22nt_0.01.txt
Future potential additional features:
Include a deduplication step for fastq files that have UMIs incorporated
Incorporate the fastq file initial filtering steps from sRNAqc as option
Work on final summary report
Add coverage statistics and cross contamination flag logic to local db blast results
Incorporate VirusDetect in the pipeline and derive a summary of results from both pipelines
Perform automatically 21-22nt and 24nt analyses by default