2. Nextflow pipeline repositories

2. Nextflow pipeline repositories


What is nf-core?

nf-core is a community-led project to develop a set of best-practice pipelines built using Nextflow workflow management system. Pipelines are governed by a set of guidelines, enforced by community code reviews and automatic code testing. The diagram below showcases the key aspects of nf-core and is divided into three sections:

  • the Deploy section includes features like Stable pipelines, Centralized configs, List and update pipelines, and Download for offline us.

  • the Participate section highlights Documentation, Slack workspace, Twitter updates, and Hackathons.

  • the Develop section emphasizes the Starter template, Code guidelines, CI code linting and tests, and Helper tools.



What are nf-core pipelines?

nf-core pipelines are an organised collection of Nextflow scripts, other non-nextflow scripts (written in any language), configuration files, software specifications, and documentation hosted on GitHub. There is generally a single pipeline for a given data and analysis type e.g. There is a single pipeline for bulk RNA-Seq. All nf-core pipelines are open source.


A defined pipeline structure is used to deploy new pipelines (https://nf-co.re/docs/contributing/pipelines/pipeline_file_structure) and bioinformatics tools are available as a list of modules and subworkflows.

Searching for available nf-core pipelines

Go to https://nf-co.re/pipelines

Narrow search by typing relevant term, for example ‘rna-seq’:

Pipelines can be sorted by Latest release, Name or Stars:

Examples of pipelines used at QUT:

nf-core support

For support with Nextflow, see https://nf-co.re/join.

For instance, there is a very active slack community for nf-core users (https://nfcore.slack.com/)

epi2me workflows

EPI2ME Labs maintains a collection of bioinformatics workflows tailored to Oxford Nanopore Technologies long-read sequencing data. They are curated and actively maintained by experts in long-read sequence analysis.

Examples of pipelines used at QUT:

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