Title: | Legacy user guides | |
Owner: | Roberto Barrero Gumiel | |
Creator: | Roberto Barrero Gumiel | Sept 28, 2023 |
Last Changed by: | Roberto Barrero Gumiel | Sept 28, 2023 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://eresearchqut.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GIBYe | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (21)
Using nf-core/sarek pipeline should be easy
bk_2024 - Semester One: Hands-on variant calling and metagenomics analyses using QUT's HPC and Nextflow
nf-core/rnaseq: downstream analysis in R
Downloading data from BaseSpace
RNAseq - Star 2 pass approach (Ronin)
Metagenomics Software on Ronin Cloud
RNA-seq using RASflow: genome- or transcriptome-based analysis
Deprecated - ONT variant analysis
Microbiome Analysis Infrastructure Roadmap V1.1
Downstream analysis of NextFlow ampliseq output (16S amplicon analysis)
Using nf-core/sarek pipeline should be easy
bk_2024 - Semester One: Hands-on variant calling and metagenomics analyses using QUT's HPC and Nextflow
nf-core/rnaseq: downstream analysis in R
Downloading data from BaseSpace
RNAseq - Star 2 pass approach (Ronin)
Metagenomics Software on Ronin Cloud
RNA-seq using RASflow: genome- or transcriptome-based analysis
Deprecated - ONT variant analysis
Microbiome Analysis Infrastructure Roadmap V1.1
Downstream analysis of NextFlow ampliseq output (16S amplicon analysis)
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