ER-User Guides
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Training and Workshops
Start using the HPC
eResearch - single cell RNA-Seq analysis (10x Genomics)
eResearch - writing Nextflow workflows, beginner's guide
2024 eResearch - Session 6 - Hands-on smRNAseq training
Data Download
NextFlow quick start
nf-core/rnaseq - Gene Expression Analysis
nf-core/smrnaseq - Small RNA seq Analysis
nf-core/sarek - variant calling pipeline
nf-core/bactmap: A mapping-based pipeline for creating a phylogeny from bacterial whole genome sequences
nf-eresearch/ONTprocessing - NextFlow pipeline for Oxford Nanopore de novo assembly and ref guided consensus
nf-eresearch/ConsGenome: Nextflow based Genome Assembly, Variant Calling and building a Consensus Genome workflow
nf-eresearch/VirReport - Diagnosis of plant viruses and viroids using small RNA-seq data
nf-core/hic: Analysis of Chromosome Conformation Capture data (Hi-C)
nf-core/ampliseq 16S amplicon analysis pipeline (NextFlow Ampliseq)
nf-core/scrnaseq: A single-cell RNAseq pipeline for 10X genomics data
DESeq2 - Differential expression analysis
PacBio SMRT full length 16S analysis
PacBio SMRT command line Iso-seq analysis
ONT de novo genome assembly
ONT Oxford Nanopore fast5 processing
Variant filtering - screening homozygous recessive mutations
Anacapa - eDNA analysis toolkit
Automatic Assembly For The Fungi (AAFTF) pipeline
Extracting unmapped sequences
primalscheme - designing primer panels for multiplex PCR
Uploading sequence data to SRA
Copy of Copy of Hands-on smRNAseq training
Merging oligonucleotide sequences (local, HPC)
Bisulfite conversion WGBS
Equus caballus Project
Snakemake at QUT
EBV genome integration data analysis
Common Nextflow errors
How to perform KEGG and GO enrichment analysis of non-model species (using R)
Legacy user guides
Using nf-core/sarek pipeline should be easy
bk_2024 - Semester One: Hands-on variant calling and metagenomics analyses using QUT's HPC and Nextflow
nf-core/rnaseq: downstream analysis in R
Downloading data from BaseSpace
RNAseq - Star 2 pass approach (Ronin)
Metagenomics Software on Ronin Cloud
RNA-seq using RASflow: genome- or transcriptome-based analysis
Deprecated - ONT variant analysis
Microbiome Analysis Infrastructure Roadmap V1.1
Downstream analysis of NextFlow ampliseq output (16S amplicon analysis)
VSD-1.0 (Virus Surveillance and Diagnosis)
Variant (vcf) analysis using R in Jupyter
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Creating links to open Jupyter Notebooks in the Jupyter Hub
copy Session 3 - Variant analysis using Nanopore data
copy_Session 5: Analysis of amplicon sequencing results in R
Copy of eResearch - single cell RNA-Seq analysis (10x Genomics)
Copy of Nanostring DSP protein assay data QC, exploration, normalisation and analysis.
Testing RNAseq parameters
Deprecated - SRA using SRA Toolkit
Nanostring - Nanostring DSP protein assay data QC, exploration, normalisation and analysis.
Apps Diagrams
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ER-User Guides
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Paul Whatmore (Deactivated)
Owned by
Paul Whatmore (Deactivated)
Last updated:
Jan 13, 2021
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