RNAseq - Star 2 pass approach (Ronin)

RNAseq - Star 2 pass approach (Ronin)


Install required tools (if necessary)

The simplest option to install tools and their dependencies is using CONDA (https://anaconda.org)

Search for the tool of interest and copy paste the provide command line to install the tool. For example to install STAR do the following:

conda install -c bioconda star

other tools required are:

  • trim-galore

  • rsem

Build STAR genome index

STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \ --genomeDir /work/batra_lab/rnaseq/data/genome/GRCh38 \ --genomeFastaFiles /work/batra_lab/rnaseq/data/genome/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa \ --sjdbGTFfile /work/batra_lab/rnaseq/data/genome/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.102.gtf \ --runThreadN 8 --sjdbOverhang 89

To create the genome index in Lyra HPC submit the following PBS Pro script

#!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N STARindex #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=64gb #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR #make genome index for STAR 1st pass mapping STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \ --genomeDir /work/batra_lab/rnaseq/data/genome/GRCh38 \ --genomeFastaFiles /work/batra_lab/rnaseq/data/genome/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa \ --sjdbGTFfile /work/batra_lab/rnaseq/data/genome/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.102.gtf \ --runThreadN 8 --sjdbOverhang 89

To submit the above script script called ‘make_STAR_genome_index_1stPass.sh’ do:

Note a new STAR index need to be created for the 2nd pass step. We will do this after running a handful of samples through the 1st mapping pass.

Build RSEM genome index

Again, to create the above genome index prepare a PBS Pro script for the genome of interest . Example for Human GRCh38 genome:

The above script can then be submitted via PBS Pro scheduler

Run RNAseq pipeline

Two scripts are necessary to run the RNAseq pipeline: 1) bash script describing individual processing steps (run_rnaseq_v0.1.sh), and 2) PBS Pro submission script accounting for the presence of multiple FASTQ pairs in the input directory.


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