Session 2: RNA-seq expression

This page provides a basic introduction to Unix commands to HPC users with no previous knowledge.

Log into the HPC


Brief basic Unix commands recap

Once you log into the HPC, you will land in your personal home space (i.e. /home/myStudentID/). This space is only accessible to you. To work in collaboration with others we use workspaces (i.e. /work/myProjectName/).

To go to a shared directory for your project named “kenna_team” type the following command and hit enter:

cd /work/chlamydia_carey/

Display list of files in a directory

ls -lh

Print working directory

Create a folder

Enter new folder

Move back to the previous folder

Make a backup copy of the file

Move a copy of a file to a newly created folder - note it is recommended to make a copy of important files prior to modifying or executing commands on them.

View the content of a file (note hashtags # at the start of a line is used to provide information of the code underneath it)

Go back to my personal space. Type 'cd' and hit enter. This will move you to /home/mystudentID/

Interactive session:

Running the nextflow nf-core/rnaseq pipeline


  • index.csv → a file that provides a list of sample IDs and their associated FASTQ files (read 1 and read 2)

  • launch.pbs → a script to submit the job to the HPC cluster

Example index.csv file for nf-core/rnaseq version 3.3:

Example launch.pbs script:


--aligner Specifies the alignment algorithm to use - available options are 'star_salmon', 'star_rsem', and 'hisat2'. The default option is 'star_salmon'.

more information at:

More advanced launch.pbs script example:

Session 2 exercises:

  1. Run the nf-core/rnaseq pipeline using the Airway smooth muscle public data (PMID: 24926665. GEO: GSE52778) - aligner option set to ‘star_salmon

  2. Same as above but aligner option set to ‘star_rsem

Create a new working folder:

Copy index.csv and launch.pbs files to the newly created folder

Check that files were copied into the new working folder

Run the workflow:

Monitor the progress of the workflow:


Repeat the above process for ‘star_rsem’

The only variation is copying the index.csv and launch.pbs script. As follows:

Visualizing results

The results generated in the pipeline can be visualized within the ‘results’ folder.

example output:

Access the HPC files from your laptop

Mac laptop (note: need to be connected via VPN)

  • Open the ‘Finder' window

  • Click on the search file tab and hit the “Command + K” keys simultaneously

  • This will open a new window:

  • Type the above to connect to the shared ‘work' space. To access your personal space replace ‘work’ with 'home’.


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