nf-eresearch/ConsGenome: Nextflow based Genome Assembly, Variant Calling and building a Consensus Genome workflow

nf-eresearch/ConsGenome: Nextflow based Genome Assembly, Variant Calling and building a Consensus Genome workflow


Enable the study of new strains of Dengue viruses by producing de novo assembled genomic scaffolds, comparison to reference genomes, variant calling and generation of a reference guided consensus genome.


ConsGenome workflow


The nextflow based ConsGenome workflow is available on the HPC. To download a copy of the workflow to your home folder the following steps are needed on the HPC

module load java nextflow pull file:///work/pipelines/eresearch/consgenome.git

Running the pipeline

Step 1:

Create a folder to hold the output of the pipeline. The results folder will be created here.

Step 2:

Prepare the index.csv file. This file will contain a list of sample ids and the full path to the paired samples. Read 1 and Read 2 must be specified separately.


sampleid,read1,read2 sample01,/full/path/to/sample01_r1.fq.gz,/full/path/to/sample01_r2.fq.gz
Step 3:

Create a nextflow.config file (if needed). If you need to override any of the pipeline defaults, put them in this file.

params { genome = "/path/to/genome/reference.fa" }
Step 4:

Create a PBS launch script. I.e.. Copy this into launch.pbs

If you wish to use the conda version of the pipeline use this script:

Step 5:

Launch the pipeline

see the progress of the job


Step 6:

Monitor on the Nextflow Tower

If you have previously enabled Nextflow Tower visit


Step 7:

Once finished, examine the results in the results folder.


Related content

NextFlow quick start
NextFlow quick start
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ConsGenome: A Virus Genome Assembly, Variant Calling and building a Consensus Genome workflow
ConsGenome: A Virus Genome Assembly, Variant Calling and building a Consensus Genome workflow
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