Task 4 : Differential expression analysis using R



Identify statistically significant (FDR < 0.05) differentially expressed genes. Visualise results with PCA plots, heatmaps and volcano plots.


Run your samples (FASTQ) using the nextflow nf-core/RNA-seq pipeline using ‘star_salmon’ (Task 3 session) or an alternative pipeline that generates feature counts.

Installing R and Rstudio

The analysis scripts in this guide are written in R script. We will be using RStudio, a front-end gui for R, to run the analysis scripts.

You have three main options for running this analysis in RStudio:

  1. Use QUTs rVDI virtual desktop machines

  2. Install R and RStudio on your own PC

  3. Use the provided PCs in the QUT computer labs


Option1: Use QUTs rVDI virtual desktop machines

This is the preferred method, as R and RStudio are already installed, as are all the required R packages needed for analysis. Installing all of these can take over 30 minutes on your own PC, so using an rVDI machine saves time.

rVDI provides a virtual Windows desktop that can be run in your web browser.

To access and run an rVDI virtual desktop:

Go to https://rvdi.qut.edu.au/

Click on ‘VMware Horizon HTML Access

Log on with your QUT username and password

*NOTE: you need to be connected to the QUT network first, either being on campus or connecting remotely via VPN.


Option2: Install R and RStudio on your own PC

Go to the following page Posit and follow instructions provided to install first R and then Rstudio.

Download and install R, following the default prompts:

Download R-4.4.2 for Windows. The R-project for statistical computing.

Download and install RStudio, following the default prompts:



Option3: Use the provided PCs in the QUT computer labs

The PCs in the computer labs already have R and RStudio installed. If using this option, you will need to install the required R packages (unlike rVDI). The code for installing these packages is in the analysis section below.


Download your count table

The basis for the differential expression analysis is a count table of sequence reads mapped to defined gene regions per sample. There are a variety of methods to generate this count table, but for this exercise we will be using the output from the Nextflow nfcore/rnaseq analysis you completed in the previous workshop sessions.

To access this count table:

Go to the W:\training\rnaseq\runs\run3_RNAseq\results folder that contains the results from running the nfcore/rnaseq pipeline. The output folders from task 3 look like this:

├── results │   ├── fastqc │   ├── multiqc │   ├── pipeline_info │   ├── star_salmon │   └── trimgalore

The count table can be found in the star_salmon folder. A list of files and folders in the star_salmon folder will look like this:

. ├── bigwig ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep1 ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep1.markdup.sorted.bam ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep1.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep2 ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep2.markdup.sorted.bam ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep2.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep3 ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep3.markdup.sorted.bam ├── CD49fmNGFRm_rep3.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep1 ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep1.markdup.sorted.bam ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep1.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep2 ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep2.markdup.sorted.bam ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep2.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep3 ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep3.markdup.sorted.bam ├── CD49fpNGFRp_rep3.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── deseq2_qc ├── dupradar ├── featurecounts ├── log ├── MTEC_rep1 ├── MTEC_rep1.markdup.sorted.bam ├── MTEC_rep1.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── MTEC_rep2 ├── MTEC_rep2.markdup.sorted.bam ├── MTEC_rep2.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── MTEC_rep3 ├── MTEC_rep3.markdup.sorted.bam ├── MTEC_rep3.markdup.sorted.bam.bai ├── picard_metrics ├── qualimap ├── rseqc ├── salmon.merged.gene_counts_length_scaled.rds ├── salmon.merged.gene_counts_length_scaled.tsv ├── salmon.merged.gene_counts.rds ├── salmon.merged.gene_counts_scaled.rds ├── salmon.merged.gene_counts_scaled.tsv ├── salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv <---- We will use this feature counts file for DESeq2 expression analysis. ├── salmon.merged.gene_tpm.tsv ├── salmon.merged.transcript_counts.rds ├── salmon.merged.transcript_counts.tsv ├── salmon.merged.transcript_tpm.tsv ├── salmon_tx2gene.tsv ├── samtools_stats └── stringtie

The expression count file that we are interested is salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv

head salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv

Differential Expression Analysis using DESeq2

We will now perform the following tasks using Rstudio:

  1. Preparing your data. Two data files needed for this analysis: a samples table and your count table

  2. Install required R packages (only need to run once) - after installation we only need to load the packages. NOTE: If using an rVDI virtual machine, the R packages are already installed

  3. Load required R packages. Unlike installing the packages, this needs to be done every time you run the analysis

  4. Import your data files (count table and samples table)into R

  5. Checking for outliers and batch effects

    1. PCA plot

    2. Pairwise samples heatmap

  6. Identify differentially expressed (DE) genes using DESeq2

    1. Annotating your DE genes

    2. Volcano plot

    3. DE genes heatmap


1. Preparing your data

You will need 2 data files to complete this analysis: your count table (see above) and a samples table.

a. First create a new folder in H:\workshop\RNAseq . Call it something suitable, such as ‘DE_analysis_workshop’


b. Create a sub folder here called ‘data’. This is where your two data files will be stored


c. Copy the count table (the ‘salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv' file) to the 'data’ folder you just created.

The count table looks like this:

gene_id gene_name SRR20622172 SRR20622173 SRR20622174 SRR20622175 SRR20622176 SRR20622177 SRR20622178 SRR20622179 SRR20622180 ENSMUSG00000000001 Gnai3 7086 4470 2457.002 2389 6398 2744 2681 3961 4399 ENSMUSG00000000003 Pbsn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENSMUSG00000000028 Cdc45 1232.999 827 42 57 1036 55 78 88 89 ENSMUSG00000000031 H19 200 139 2 0 143.622 1 17.082 24 16.077 ENSMUSG00000000037 Scml2 70 57.001 8 8 66.999 16 23 27.999 29 ENSMUSG00000000049 Apoh 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 3 0 ENSMUSG00000000056 Narf 1933 1480 519 497 1730 539 365 458 536 ENSMUSG00000000058 Cav2 6008 3417 1347.001 1344 5482 1367 2669.001 4358 4365.832 ENSMUSG00000000078 Klf6 3809 2732 4413.001 3483.978 3559 4491 3209 3980 4626


d. In the same W:\training\rnaseq\runs\run3_RNAseq\results\star_salmon directory there will be a file called metadata.xlsx . Copy this file to your ‘data’ folder as well. This file will normally need to be manually created by you to match your sample IDs and treatment groups, but we created this file already for you to use. This samples table needs 3 columns called ‘sample_name’, containing the sample names seen in the count table (column names), ‘sample_ID’, which is the (less messy) names you want to call the samples in this analysis workflow, and ‘group’, which contains the treatment groups each sample belongs to. The contents of this file look like this:

sample_name sample_ID group SRR20622174 DC1 Differentiated_cells SRR20622175 DC2 Differentiated_cells SRR20622177 DC3 Differentiated_cells SRR20622178 BC1 Basal_cells SRR20622179 BC2 Basal_cells SRR20622180 BC3 Basal_cells SRR20622172 mTEC1 Murine_tracheal_epithelial_cell SRR20622173 mTEC2 Murine_tracheal_epithelial_cell SRR20622176 mTEC3 Murine_tracheal_epithelial_cell


e. Open RStudio and create a new R script (‘File’ → “New File” → “R script”). Now hit ‘File’ → ‘Save’ and save the script in the analysis workshop folder you created in step a. (NOT IN THE ‘data’ FOLDER). Give the script file a name (e.g. DESEq2.R).


The following analysis contains R code (in the grey text boxes) that you can copy and paste, then run, into the R script you just created.

2. Install required R packages

Copy and paste the following code into the R script you just created, then run the code (highlight all the code in your R script, then press the run button). This will install all the required packages and dependencies and may take 30 minutes or more to complete. It may prompt you occasionally to update packages - select 'a' for all if/when this occurs.

NOTE: you only need to run this section once on any laptop/PC, and you don’t need to run it if you’re using an rVDI machine.


#### Differential expression analysis #### # When you see '## USER INPUT', this means you have to modify the code for your computer or dataset. All other code can be run as-is (i.e. you don't need to understand the code, just run it) #### 2. Installing required packages #### # **NOTE: this section only needs to be run once (or occasionally to update the packages) # Install devtools install.packages("devtools", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") # Install R packages. This only needs to be run once. bioconductor_packages <- c("DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano", "org.Hs.eg.db", "org.Mm.eg.db", "org.Rn.eg.db", "org.EcK12.eg.db", "org.EcSakai.eg.db", "org.Dr.eg.db", "org.Dm.eg.db") cran_packages <- c("ggrepel", "ggplot2", "plyr", "reshape2", "readxl", "FactoMineR", "factoextra", "pheatmap") # Compares installed packages to above packages and returns a vector of missing packages new_packages <- bioconductor_packages[!(bioconductor_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] new_cran_packages <- cran_packages[!(cran_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] # Install missing bioconductor packages if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install(new_packages) # Install missing cran packages if (length(new_cran_packages)) install.packages(new_cran_packages, repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") # Update all installed packages to the latest version update.packages(bioconductor_packages, ask = FALSE) update.packages(cran_packages, ask = FALSE, repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")


3. Load required R packages

This section loads the packages you’ve installed in the previous section. Unlike installing packages, this needs to be run every time and should only take a few seconds to run.


#### 3. Loading required packages #### # This section needs to be run every time # Load packages bioconductor_packages <- c("DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano", "org.Hs.eg.db", "org.Mm.eg.db", "org.Rn.eg.db", "org.EcK12.eg.db", "org.EcSakai.eg.db", "org.Dr.eg.db", "org.Dm.eg.db") cran_packages <- c("ggrepel", "ggplot2", "plyr", "reshape2", "readxl", "FactoMineR", "factoextra", "pheatmap") lapply(cran_packages, require, character.only = TRUE) lapply(bioconductor_packages, require, character.only = TRUE)


4. Import your data files into R

In this section we will import your count table and samples table into R.

You’ll need to change the ‘setwd' line to your working directory. Click ‘Session’ → ‘Set working directory’ → ‘Choose working directory’ and then choose the analysis workshop directory you created previously, that contains your R script file and the 'Data’ directory.


#### 4. Import your count data #### # Make sure you have: a) your count table (salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv file, if you used Nextflow nfcore/rnaseq to analyse your data). Copy this to a subdirectory called 'data'. b) your metadata file. This should be either an Excel file called 'metadata.xlsx' or a tab-separated text file called 'metadata.txt'. It needs 3 columns called 'sample_name', 'sample_ID' and 'group'. The sample names should be EXACTLY the same as the names in the count table. These names are often uninformative and long, so the 'sample_ID' is the sample labels you want to put on your plots. E.g. if you have a 'high fat' group, you might want to rename the samples HF1, HF2, HF3, etc) ## USER INPUT # Set working directory. # Change this to your working directory (In the RStudio menu: Session -> Set working directory -> Choose working directory) setwd("C:/Users/whatmorp/OneDrive - Queensland University of Technology/Desktop/Projects/RNA-Seq downstream analysis") # Import your count data. make sure you've created a 'data' subdirectory and put the count table file there. metacountdata <- read.table("./data/salmon.merged.gene_counts.tsv", header = TRUE, row.names = 1) # Import metadata. Again, need a metadata.xlsx file in the data subdirectory. meta <- read_excel("./data/metadata.xlsx") # Remove 1st columns of metadata (gene_name) counts <- metacountdata[ ,2:ncol(metacountdata)] # Rename sample names to new sample IDs counts <- counts[as.character(meta$sample_name)] colnames(counts) <- meta$sample_ID # Counts need to be rounded to integers counts <- ceiling(counts)


5. Checking for outliers and batch effects

In this section we will create PCA plots and heatmaps to examine the relationships between samples. Outlier samples and batch effects can heavily bias your results and should be addressed (e.g. removal of outlier samples from the dataset) before any differential expression analysis is completed.

First we need to prepare the data for plotting. Copy, paste and run the following code in your R script. you will need to input which treatment groups you wish to plot (plotgroups <-) from the set of available treatment groups (which you can find out with unique(meta$group).

#### 5. Outliers and batch effects #### # This section normalises and transforms the count data so that it can be plotted on a PCA plot and a heatmap ## USER INPUT # Choose the groups you want to plot in a PCA/Heatmap. You can select any 2 or more of the groups (or all of the groups) you have in your 'groups' column of your metadata table # To see what groups are present, run the following: unique(meta$group) # Now add which groups you want to plot (i.e. replace the groupnames below, and add more, separated by a comma and in "quotes", as needed). NOTE: R is case-sensitive, so these group names must be named EXACTLY the same as in the metadata table. plotgroups <- c("Differentiated_cells", "Basal_cells") # Pull out only the counts from the above groups groupcounts <- counts[meta$group %in% plotgroups] # Normalise counts by library size, using DeSeq2's estimateSizeFactors() function. Note that DeSeq2 does this internally during DEG calling. The normalisation below is done separately for PCA and density plotting. # Set up the initial DeSeq2 experimental parameters. condition <- factor(1:length(groupcounts)) # Set up the column data. A data frame of sample ID's and conditions coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(groupcounts), condition) # Set up the DeSeq2 data set structure f <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = groupcounts, colData = coldata, design= ~ condition) # Estimate the size factors. See DeSeq2 manual for details f <- estimateSizeFactors(f) # Size factors can be viewed by: sizeFactors(f) # Multiply each row (sample) by the corresponding size factor subcount_norm <- as.matrix(groupcounts) %*% diag(sizeFactors(f)) # Re-add column names colnames(subcount_norm) <- colnames(groupcounts) ## Remove low coverage transcripts (mean count < 10) ## # Find the mean of each row (and output as a data frame object) means <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(subcount_norm)) # Then join the means data with the counts means <- cbind(means, subcount_norm) # Then subset out only genes with mean > 10 data <- subset(means, means[ , 1] > 10) # Remove the means column data <- data[,-1] # Transform data data_log <- vst(round(as.matrix(data))) # Transformation can create some infinite values. Can't generate PCA data on these. Can see how many by: sum(sapply(data_log, is.infinite)) # To remove infinite rows, use 'is.finte' or '!is.infinite' data_log <- data_log[is.finite(rowSums(data_log)),] colnames(data_log) <- colnames(groupcounts) ### Set up the PCA plot base data ### # We're using the FactoMineR package to generate PCA plots (http://factominer.free.fr/index.html) # Need to transpose the data first data_log_t <- t(data_log) # Add the group data data_log_t_vars <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], data_log_t) # Generate the PCA data using FactoMineR package res.pca <- PCA(data_log_t_vars, quali.sup = 1, graph=FALSE) ## Set up the dendogram/heatmaps base data ## # Calculate the distance matrix: distance_matrix <- as.matrix(dist(t(data_log)))


5a. PCA plot

Now you can run the following code in your R script to generate the PCA plot.

We will be using the factoextra package to generate both the PCA data and the PCA plot.

#### 5a. PCA plot #### # Generate the PCA plot. Groups are shaded with ellipses at 95% confidence level. NOTE: at least 4 replicates need to be in a group for an ellipses to be drawn. # NOTE: change the group point colours by changing 'palette = ' below. Use the 'RColourBrewer' colour names (https://r-graph-gallery.com/38-rcolorbrewers-palettes.html). For example, if you are plotting 3 groups and choose palette = "Set1", this will use the first 3 colours from the Set1 colour palette. p <- fviz_pca_ind(res.pca, geom.ind = "point", # show points only (but not "text") col.ind = meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups], # color by groups pointsize = 5, title = "", legend.title = "Treatment groups", palette = "Dark2", addEllipses = TRUE, ellipse.type = "t", ellipse.level = 0.95) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12), legend.title = element_text(size = 14), axis.title=element_text(size=16), axis.text=element_text(size=14)) p # Output as publication quality (300dpi) tiff and pdf. # This will name your output files with the treatment groups you selected. # Create a 'figures' subdirectory where all figures will be output dir.create("figures", showWarnings = FALSE) # Create a (300dpi) tiff ggsave(file = paste0("./figures/PCA_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"), dpi = 300, compression = "lzw", device = "tiff", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p) # Create a pdf ggsave(file = paste0("./figures/PCA_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".pdf"), device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)


5b. Pairwise samples heatmap

Now generate the heatmap and dendrogram.

We will be using the pretty heatmap package to accomplish this.

#### 5b. Samples heatmap and dendrogram #### # This section plots a heatmap and dendrogram of pairwise relationships between samples. In this way you can see if samples cluster by treatment group. # See here: https://davetang.org/muse/2018/05/15/making-a-heatmap-in-r-with-the-pheatmap-package/ # Define annotation column annot_columns <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% plotgroups]) # Make the row names the sample IDs row.names(annot_columns) <- meta$sample_ID[meta$group %in% plotgroups] colnames(annot_columns) <- "Treatment groups" # Need to factorise it annot_columns[[1]] <- factor(annot_columns[[1]]) # Generate dendrogram and heatmap pheatmap(distance_matrix, color=colorRampPalette(c("white", "#9999FF", "#990000"))(50), cluster_rows = TRUE, show_rownames = TRUE, treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 70, fontsize_col = 12, annotation_names_col = F, annotation_col = annot_columns, filename = paste0("./figures/Pairwise_sample_heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff")) # Notes about heatmap colours. # You can change the colours used in the heatmap itself by changing the colour names (color=colorRampPalette....) # If you want to change the annotation colours, see here: https://zhiganglu.com/post/pheatmap_change_annotation_colors/


6. Identify differentially expressed (DE) genes using DESeq2

Now we come to the main analysis section of this workflow, where we will identify differentially expressed genes. This will generate two important datapoints per gene, the log fold change, which shows the change in expression levels between two treatment groups for a specific gene, and the adjusted p value, which shows which genes are significantly differentially expressed (adjusted to remove false positives).

The R package we use to find DE genes is DESeq2, “Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution”.

DESeq2 estimates variance-mean dependence in count data from high-throughput sequencing assays and tests for differential expression based on a model using the negative binomial distribution.

Copy and run the below code into your R script.

You’ll need to choose two treatment groups you want to compare (degroups <-), from the list of treatment groups in your samples table.

#### 6. Differential expression analysis #### # In this section we use the Deseq2 package to identify differentially expressed genes. ## USER INPUT # Choose the treatment groups you want to compare. # To see what groups are present, run the following: unique(meta$group) # Enter which groups you want to compare (two groups only). BASELINE OR CONTROL GROUP SHOULD BE LISTED FIRST. degroups <- c("Basal_cells", "Differentiated_cells") # From the count table, pull out only the counts from the above groups expdata <- as.matrix(counts[,meta$group %in% degroups]) # Set up the experimental condition # 'factor' sets up the reference level, i.e. which is the baseline group (otherwise the default baseline level is in alphabetic order) condition <- factor(meta$group[meta$group %in% degroups], levels = degroups) # Type 'condition' in the console to see is the levels are set correctly # Set up column data (treatment groups and sample ID) coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(expdata), condition) # Create the DESeq2 dataset (dds) dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=expdata, colData=coldata, design=~condition) dds$condition <- factor(dds$condition, levels = degroups) # Run DESeq2 to identify differentially expressed genes deseq <- DESeq(dds) # Extract a results table from the DESeq analysis res <- results(deseq) # Reorder results by adjusted p vales, so that the most signififcantly DE genes are at the top res <- res[order(res$padj), ] # You can do a summary of the results to see how many significantly (alpha=0.05, adjust to 0.01 if needed) upregulated and downregulated DE genes were found summary(res, alpha=0.05) # Convert from DESeq object to a data frame. res <- data.frame(res) # Look at the top 6 DE genes head(res)


6a. Annotating your DE genes

The table of DE genes will have gene names according to the reference genome that was used to generate the count table. This is usually an Entrez gene ID if the NCBI genome was used, or an Ensemble gene ID if the Ensemble genome was used.

These Entrez/Ensembl gene IDs are a string of numbers that aren’t particularly informative. They can be individually looked to see what genes they represent, or we can annotate them all at the same time in R to match the Entrez/Ensembl gene IDs to their more commonly known gene symbol and description.

We'll be using bioconductor genome wide annotation packages to provide the annotation data. https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.17/data/annotation/

Annotation packages for human (org.Hs.eg.db), mouse (org.Mm.eg.db), rat (org.Rn.eg.db), E. coli strain K12 (org.EcK12.eg.db), E. coli strain Sakai (org.EcSakai.eg.db), zebrafish (org.Dr.eg.db) and Drosophila (org.Dm.eg.db) were installed with the required R packages. If your species is not in the above list, contact the eResearch team.

This workshop uses mouse data, so we will be using the org.Mm.eg.db annotation package here.


#### 6a. Annotating your DE genes #### # Annotation packages for human (org.Hs.eg.db), mouse (org.Mm.eg.db), rat (org.Rn.eg.db), E. coli strain K12 (org.EcK12.eg.db), E. coli strain Sakai (org.EcSakai.eg.db), zebrafish (org.Dr.eg.db) and Drosophila (org.Dm.eg.db) were installed with the required R packages. If your species is not in the above list, contact the eResearch team. ## USER INPUT # Input your species genome below (select from the above list) my_genome <- org.Mm.eg.db # Pull out just the Entrez/Ensembl gene IDs gene_ids <- row.names(res) # You can see the list of annotations you can apply to your data by: keytypes(my_genome) # Annotate gene symbol and description to your DE gene IDs (you can add other keytypes from the above 'keytypes(my_genome)' list, if you choose) cols <- c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME") ## USER INPUT # Provide the gene ID type for your DE data # If you have Ensemble IDs, enter "ENSEMBL", if you have Entrez IDs, enter "ENTREZID", if you have gene symbols, enter "SYMBOL" idtype <- "ENSEMBL" # Map the Entrez/Ensembl gene IDs to gene symbol and description map <- AnnotationDbi::select(my_genome, keys=gene_ids, columns=cols, keytype=idtype) # Combine the annotation data with the DE data # Since we're matching Ensembl -> Entrez there aren't a 1:1 mapping, so need to merge rather than cbind annot <- merge(x = res, y = map, by.x = 0, by.y = idtype, all = F) # There isn't always a 1:1 mapping between gene identifiers, so we also need to remove duplicates annot_nodups <- annot[!duplicated(annot$Row.names), ] # Reorder by adjusted p annot_nodups <- annot_nodups[order(annot_nodups$padj), ] # Add normalised counts to the output table. This is so you can later plot expression trends for individual genes in R, Excel, etc. # Need to normalise the counts first, using the size factors calculated by DESeq2 (in the 'deseq' object) expdata_norm <- as.matrix(expdata) %*% diag(deseq$sizeFactor) colnames(expdata_norm) <- colnames(expdata) annot_counts <- merge(x = annot_nodups, y = expdata_norm, by.x = "Row.names", by.y = 0, all = TRUE) # Export the full annotated dataset as a csv (for journal submission) # Creates a 'Tables' subdirectory where all tables will be output dir.create("Tables", showWarnings = FALSE) write.csv(annot_counts, file=paste0("./Tables/all_genes_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".csv"), row.names = FALSE) # Pull out just significant genes (change from 0.05 to 0.01 if needed) DE_genes <- subset(annot_counts, padj < 0.05, select=colnames(annot_counts)) # NOTE: add lfc cutoffs if needed. E.g., log2FoldChange > 1 and < log2FoldChange -1 cutoff # DE_genes <- subset(DE_genes, log2FoldChange > 1 | log2FoldChange < -1, select=colnames(DE_genes)) # Export the sig DE genes as a table (to be used in downstream analysis) write.csv(DE_genes, file=paste0("./Tables/DE_genes_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)


6b. Volcano plot

Now that we have our list of DE genes, we can visualise them with a volcano plot and heat map.

First, a volcano plot.

We’re using the EnhancedVolcano package ‘Publication-ready volcano plots with enhanced colouring and labeling’

The below plot only labels the top 20 DE genes, using mostly plot defaults. You can modify this code to label whatever genes you like, change plot colours, change axis labels, change log fold change cutoffs, etc, by following the EnhancedVolcano guide here:https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/EnhancedVolcano.html

#### 6b. Volcano plot #### p <- EnhancedVolcano(annot_nodups, lab = annot_nodups$SYMBOL, selectLab = annot_nodups$SYMBOL[1:20], drawConnectors = TRUE, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, x = 'log2FoldChange', y = 'pvalue') p # NOTE: the above plot shows labels for the top significantly DE (i.e. by lowest adjusted p value) genes. # Output as publication quality (300dpi) tiff and pdf. # Create a (300dpi) tiff ggsave(file = paste0("./figures/volcano_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff"), dpi = 300, compression = "lzw", device = "tiff", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p) # Create a pdf ggsave(file = paste0("./figures/volcano_", paste(degroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".pdf"), device = "pdf", width = 10, height = 8, plot = p)


6c. DE genes heatmap

This section plots a heatmap and dendrogram of DE gene expression per sample. Expression counts are scaled and centered so that groupwise relationships can be examined.

#### 6c. DE genes heatmaps and dendrograms #### # Make the row names gene symbols. DE_genes <- na.omit(DE_genes) row.names(DE_genes) <- make.unique(DE_genes$SYMBOL) # sort by p-value DE_genes <- DE_genes[order(DE_genes$padj), ] # Pull out normalised counts only siggc <- DE_genes[colnames(DE_genes) %in% colnames(expdata)] # Scale and center each row. This is important to visualise relative differences between groups and not have row-wise colouration dominated by high or low gene expression. xts <- scale(t(siggc)) xtst <- t(xts) # Define annotation column annot_columns <- data.frame(meta$group[meta$group %in% degroups]) # Make the row names the sample IDs row.names(annot_columns) <- meta$sample_ID[meta$group %in% degroups] colnames(annot_columns) <- "Treatment groups" # Need to factorise it annot_columns[[1]] <- factor(annot_columns[[1]]) # Generate dendrogram and heatmap for ALL DE genes pheatmap(xtst, color=colorRampPalette(c("#D55E00", "white", "#0072B2"))(100), annotation_col=annot_columns, annotation_names_col = F, fontsize_col = 12, fontsize_row = 7, labels_row = row.names(siggc), show_rownames = F, filename = paste0("./figures/All_DEG_Heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff")) # Generate dendrogram and heatmap for top 20 DE genes pheatmap(xtst[1:20,], color=colorRampPalette(c("#D55E00", "white", "#0072B2"))(100), annotation_col=annot_columns, annotation_names_col = F, fontsize_col = 14, fontsize_row = 12, labels_row = row.names(siggc), show_rownames = T, filename = paste0("./figures/Top_DEG_Heatmap_", paste(plotgroups, collapse = "_Vs_"), ".tiff")) # NOTE: you can plot more than 20 top genes by adjusting 'xtst[1:20,]'. If you wanted to plot the top 50 genes you'd change this to 'xtst[1:50,]'